Man looking for a new cat finds his old one instead
A man who had lost his beloved cat a week prior found him by chance at a local humane society while he was looking for …
A man who had lost his beloved cat a week prior found him by chance at a local humane society while he was looking for …
Researchers discovered a new species of fly that has markings reminiscent of the Marvel character Deadpool. The fly’s official scientific name is Humoralethalis sergius, but …
A new study reveals that dogs are incredibly good at forging shortcuts in areas that are unfamiliar to them. The impressive ability appears to be …
A brand new species of giant isopod was discovered in a survey off the coast of Indonesia. There are now 20 species of these creatures …
Scientists developed a tiny backpack with a camera system so small it can be worn by an insect. The camera can relay images and videos …
Scientists documented four new species of walking shark that they say have developed the ability to walk very recently. Walking sharks use their fins to …
A new study on whale sharks reveals the existence of tiny teeth-like structures covering the eyes. These features are thought to be used as protection …
A bear with a cheese puff container stuck on its head was spotted swimming across a Wisconsin lake. A family rescued the bear by driving …
A new spider species has been named after Joaquin Phoenix thanks to his performance as the Joker. The species has black and white stripes as …
Researchers have observed dolphins teaching each other new behaviors. The act of ‘shelling,’ or trapping fish in large shells, can spread throughout groups of dolphins …
A new study of great white sharks reveals that young sharks spend much of their time as bottom-feeders rather than hunting near the surface. Shark …
The ancestor of all animal life, including humans, was discovered in fossils from Australia. The tiny, worm-like creature had an opening in its front and …
You probably don’t think you have much in common with the creatures that inhabit the floor of the deep sea. Most of the animals that …
Bite, chew, swallow. It’s a boring routine, but it works for many animals, including humans. Many snake species, including pythons, have streamlined their eating habits …
Earth has an incredible diversity of animal life. It comes in all shapes and sizes, and lives in just about every type of environment our …
When a species of animal hasn’t been seen in decades, it’s often feared that mankind or natural environmental factors have driven it to extinction. That …
Earth’s oceans are home to an incredible number of interesting creatures, and sometimes certain species show up where you’d least expect them. That’s exactly what …
In the animal kingdom, many creatures develop unique ways of relaying information to their kin, but a new study highlights just how important it can …
It sounds like an urban legend — a friend of a friend who knows someone who once took a bite of a live frog that …
The PR team for Beluga whales is really killing it lately. In the span of 10 days we’ve seen two Beluga whale stories hit the …
Today’s oceans are full of interesting and bizarre creatures, many of which would seem utterly unfathomable to us if we hadn’t learned of their existence …
It takes a special kind of person to make a career out of removing deadly creatures from people’s homes. That’s exactly what Nathan Hawkins, owner of …
There are lots of interesting things to see if you stick your head under the ocean waves. There’s neat fish and crabs and, well, a …
You’ve got to be a special kind of stupid to jump into a pit with live crocodiles, so it should come as absolutely no surprise …
If you have even a casual interest in science or nature you probably already know that the animals lurking deep within Earth’s oceans tend to …
A tiny seaside town in northwestern France has been forced to warn locals and tourists against swimming in the ocean. What could possibly warrant such …
Swimming in the ocean today comes with a unique set of risks. One of those risks is encountering a creature that could harm you, like …
Everyone loves dogs. Okay, maybe not everyone, but lots and lots of people consider a canine companion a member of their own family, and having …
You really have to respect scientists when it comes to the incredible amount of effort it must take to discover, identify, and categorize and entirely …
Anglerfish are one of the more well-known curiosities of the deep. They look incredibly odd compared to the fish we’re used to seeing closer to …