Check out these gorgeous photos of this morning’s Super Blue Blood Moon
This biggest skywatching event of 2018 (so far) has wrapped up and the rare Super Blue Blood Moon is now in the history books. The …
This biggest skywatching event of 2018 (so far) has wrapped up and the rare Super Blue Blood Moon is now in the history books. The …
An infected monkey escaping its cage sounds like the beginning of a very bad horror movie, but that low-effort plot point became reality at the …
Humanity has big dreams when it comes to space travel, but our technology isn’t quite there yet. Spacecraft that can take astronauts to Mars and …
Unless you’ve been living under a rock since the beginning of January you probably already know that an incredibly rare lunar event is happening this …
In case you’ve missed the countless headlines, news reports, and official warnings from medical professionals across the country, let’s just get this out of the …
You’d have to have been living under a rock to miss the incredible string of skywatching events that bestowed upon humanity. There were perfectly-timed supermoons, …
It’s no secret that the Earth currently has a bit of a space junk problem. There are so many objects floating around our planet that …
Ancient dinosaur fossils tend to show up in some of the places where you’d least expect it, but finding any dinosaur remains in Africa is …
Naked mole rats might not be the most appealing members of the animal kingdom, aesthetically speaking, but what they lack in visual appeal they more …
Sure, Tesla might be leading the charge in self-driving vehicle technology, despite its pitfalls, but can Elon Musk build a slipper that can park itself? …
The world’s coral reefs are already in serious trouble thanks to climate change that has bleached (read: utterly devastated) massive stretches of ocean habitat, and …
We’ve seen countless science fiction technologies make their way to the real world over the past few decades, but one has always eluded us: holograms. …
We all learned in science class that human’s have big ol’ brains, and that the size of our brains is responsible for all of the …
We joke a lot about the “inevitable” robot apocalypse, but aside from a few scary developments it seems like humanity is much more likely to …
What did you have for breakfast this morning? How about dinner last night? If bugs aren’t the menu you might be doing yourself and your …
We often think of dinosaurs as the coolest creatures to have walked the Earth before mankind began its bizarre march towards the present, but you …
When it comes to alien hunting, astronomers have already done a pretty good job of checking out the planets in our own cosmic backyard. Sure, …
It’s now been over two decades since scientists in Scotland successfully cloned a sheep and named the newborn Dolly. In the years since, the technology …
The red handfish is one of nature’s real treats. It’s a strange little bottom-dwelling fish that actually prefers to crawl along the sea floor rather …
We’ve been following the saga of “Mad” Mike Hughes for some time now. Hughes is a flat-Earth believer, conspiracy theorist, and self-proclaimed rocket scientist, and …
You’ve got to hand it to Google. The company did everything in its power to push private companies into space with its Lunar X Prize …
Even if you’re not afraid of most bugs — like ants, flies, or bees, for example — there’s still a good chance you have a …
We all learned back in geography class that what we see as present-day continents were once a big mashup of land that broke off into …
Studying distant planets has helped scientists better explain how the universe ticks, but sometimes a discovery produces more questions than it answers. Such is the …
Mother Nature cut humanity a break this morning when a 7.9 magnitude earthquake in the Gulf of Alaska produced tsunami waves measuring only about one …
Modern medicine is an amazing thing, but when we start talking about tweaking our DNA things start to sound a little scary. The potentially frightening …
Researchers are constantly finding amazing fossils in places where you might not expect them, but a new discovery by scientists at The Australian National University …
Humans today live a lot longer than they used to. That’s great news, but as modern medical advances are giving patients second chances at living …
The US government is a dumpster fire fueled by greed and corruption, and now it’s messing with SpaceX’s awesome Falcon Heavy rocket. The government shutdown …
Listening to someone boast about their accomplishments can be a seriously draining experience. But while nobody likes a bragger, a brand new study suggests that …