It took an incredibly long time for the Earth’s poles to flip
If you’re looking for some kind of apocalyptic scenario to get anxious about, the Earth’s poles flipping is as good a nightmare as any. Scientists …
If you’re looking for some kind of apocalyptic scenario to get anxious about, the Earth’s poles flipping is as good a nightmare as any. Scientists …
It sounds like an urban legend — a friend of a friend who knows someone who once took a bite of a live frog that …
Genetic modification can be a touchy subject in scientific circles, especially when the life form being modified is an animal. Researchers fear that the consequences …
Komodo dragons are incredible animals. They’re lizards, but they have a number of unique tweaks to their chemistry that gives them advantages often only seen …
Late last year, astronomers decided that moons which orbit other moons should get their own special name. The label “moon-moon” was offered — and promptly …
The Marvel movies are some of the most successful Hollywood blockbusters of all time. Sure, Avengers: Endgame can’t seem to beat Avatar for the all-time crown, …
Autonomous cars may very well be our future, but we’re not there yet. Not only is the technology lacking, but many would-be passengers just don’t …
Having surgery — even minor surgery — can be an incredibly stressful experience for any patient. Placing trust in a surgeon is often frightening, even …
There are plenty of things that we all know can affect our weight. Cramming heaps of calorie-dense processed foods is a big no-no if you’re …
The United States is in the midst of a growing opioid crisis, and some cities are experiencing it worse than others. Understanding what addicts go …
When you think of the diet of a shark you probably don’t imagine the top-tier ocean predators feasting on birds — and not sea birds, …
Spiders might not be the most pleasant creatures to see lurking around your home, but they serve an important purpose in dispatching flies and other …
You don’t need to look far to find some seriously troubling data regarding obesity in the United States and abroad. Waistlines are growing, and with …
Regardless of what your own personal idea of a dream job might be, you have to admit that being paid to lounge around in bed …
Everyone knows that when you hold a compass in your hand the needle will point north thanks to Earth’s magnetic field, but aside from simple …
Zebras are one of nature’s most interesting creations. They’re like horses, only they have a distinct pattern and colors that are unlike just about any …
Schizophrenia is a puzzling disorder for medical professionals. It’s a mental illness that can be treated but nobody really knows what causes it in the …
Everyone knows that an easy trick to calming a restless infant is to rock them back and forth. For whatever reason, the gentle side-to-side motion …
Most of the mass in the universe is made up of a kind of matter that none of us have ever seen. It’s called “dark …
We’re all pretty familiar with spacecraft like the Hubble telescope giving us lovely glimpses of distant stars, but you don’t have to strap a telescope …
The holidays are supposed to be a time for giving and, as we’ve seen in a number of instances, sometimes people with disposable income really …
Plants are very good at producing oxygen that we all need in order to breath, but what about clearing the air of harmful chemicals? Past …
Wasps are annoying and sometimes painful for us humans but they are even more of a problem for insects that they prey upon. One particularly …
Pediatricians have to deal with all kinds of interesting situations in their daily work with children, and kids eating random objects is of them. Children …
The shape of animal poop isn’t something that normally makes science news headlines, but when it comes to wombats, things are a little bit different. …
If you’re a regular coffee drinker there’s a good chance your first taste of black coffee wasn’t an entirely pleasant one, at least according to …
Hunting for fossils is a difficult business in the first place, but the challenge is multiplied the farther back in time you’re searching. Finding bones …
Hunting for your own food can be a rewarding and liberating thing, but knowing where to stop when preparing wild game for consumption is obviously …
The much-hyped total solar eclipse that streaked across the United States in 2017 changed how a lot of us behaved for a very short period …
Catching fish for food is something that has been done for, well, pretty much since the dawn of mankind, but fishing as a hobby or …