Scientist finds dinosaur tracks in NASA’s actual backyard
When you think about the best places to find evidence of dinosaurs, the grounds surrounding a NASA facility probably aren’t the first thing that comes …
When you think about the best places to find evidence of dinosaurs, the grounds surrounding a NASA facility probably aren’t the first thing that comes …
We all learned in science class that human’s have big ol’ brains, and that the size of our brains is responsible for all of the …
We often think of dinosaurs as the coolest creatures to have walked the Earth before mankind began its bizarre march towards the present, but you …
Researchers are constantly finding amazing fossils in places where you might not expect them, but a new discovery by scientists at The Australian National University …
Hollywood has had a love affair with pirates for a long, long time, but no matter how many swashbuckling tales you’ve seen on the silver …
The long-buried remains of an infant girl are helping to rewrite what archaeologists know about the initial migration of humans to North America. The discovery, …
For the first time ever, scientists have discovered the 150-million-year-old remains of a well known dinosaur species in Antarctica. The discovery reveals that the ancient …
One of humanity’s most burning questions has always been whether or not we’re alone in the universe and whether life exists somewhere other than Earth. …
Today’s penguins might be cute, charming little flightless birds that draw your eye at your local zoo, but things were a whole lot different some …
Researchers working with ancient amber thought to be nearly 100 million years old have discovered something that sounds like the beginning of a new chapter …
Santa season is here, and on December 25th many young children will be tearing open gifts they believe were dropped off by an incredibly efficient …
Archaeologists have found many, many examples of ancient human ancestors over the past few centuries, and while most of the time the skeletal remains are …
We may still be looking for proof that aliens exist, but new research into some very curious ancient tools now reveals that humans were using …
Planet Earth is teeming with interesting creatures of all shapes and sizes, but life on our little blue marble wasn’t always so diverse. Science tells …
Dogs are such ubiquitous parts of modern life that it’s sometimes easy to forget that man’s best friend wasn’t always by our sides. Humans are …
Being shipwrecked on a tropical island might sound like an interesting (or even fun) adventure, but archaeologists are discovering that the reality was much different …
If you think the emergence of man was an inevitability, think again. The massive asteroid that struck Earth and triggered the mass extinction of the …
You already know that humans are newbies when it comes to the age of the universe — in fact, “new” doesn’t adequately describe the incredibly …
The massive asteroid that is thought to have wiped out the dinosaurs was one of the most significant events in Earth’s history, and without it …
In 1922, famed physicist Albert Einstein found himself without enough money to tip the bellboy who delivered something to his room. Rather than letting the …
There’s still many questions to be answered regarding the origins of mankind, but researchers have a pretty good outline of how it all went down …
Thankfully, very few of us have to bother with trigonometry on a daily basis, but regardless of how much you may have dreaded studying it …
A Civil War mystery that has held strong for over 130 years finally has an answer. The sinking of the combat submarine H.L. Hunley, resulting …
A dinosaur that puzzled researchers thanks to the incredibly puzzling design of its body finally has its place in history thanks to a team of …
Nowadays, sharks are often seen as the most feared creatures roaming the world’s oceans, but what we think of as modern sharks have only been …
As the first person to walk on the moon, Neil Armstrong is a legend. When he passed away in 2012, the world lost an American …
The Roman Empire may be long gone, but its architecture has stood the test of time — most notably, its insanely durable concrete, which has …
Movies like Jurassic Park paint the Tyrannosaurus Rex as a ferocious hunter capable to crushing bones (and Jeep Grand Cherokees), but more recent research suggests …
Researchers poking around at one of the oldest known sites of human civilization — and some say rituals — have discovered what they are referring …
Archaeologists from Yale and the Royal Museum of Art and History in Belgium have discovered the earliest-known ‘billboard-sized’ hieroglyphs in the ancient Egyptian city of …