Chemo-free cancer treatment could exploit our body’s natural cell recycling system
If you are diagnosed with cancer today there are often several treatment options, with your doctor forming a plan of attack that will feature multiple …
If you are diagnosed with cancer today there are often several treatment options, with your doctor forming a plan of attack that will feature multiple …
There are a lot of things we all know we can do to curb our risk of getting cancer. Avoiding tobacco products is high on …
We all know by now that fruits and vegetables treated with chemicals probably aren’t the best for us, but can going on a “clean” organic …
Cancer researchers are constantly advancing the technology that doctors use to screen for, detect, and treat all kinds of cancers, and the survivability prospects have …
Getting a manned mission safely to Mars would be the greatest space-age accomplishment of all time. Humans have never visited another planet, and while we’ve …
When Patches, a now nine-year-old female dachsund, first showed signs of something wrong with her head it didn’t seem particularly serious to her owner Danielle …
Cancer is a big problem for humans, but it also affects countless other species on our planet. Elephants, however, have demonstrated an amazing ability to …
You already know a number of things that can reduce your chances of getting various types of cancer. Avoiding tobacco products is a biggie, as …
Scientists are trying anything and everything in the fight against cancer, and an unusual new potential treatment option has come from a very unlikely source: …
The jury is still out with regards to whether long-term exposure to cell phone radiation has the potential to promote certain types of cancers, especially …
Millions and millions of adults struggle with weight loss on a regular basis, so when a 62-year-old New Jersey man complained to his doctor that …
Doctors in India have successfully removed what is being called the largest brain tumor ever to be operated on, freeing a mass of dangerous tissue …
Meaningful progress in the battle against cancer can seem hard to come by, but new testing by researchers at Stanford might offer an incredible boost. …
Being diagnosed with cancer doesn’t necessarily carry the same weight as it did a few decades ago, and treatments today have increased the survival rates …
We rely on doctors to take care of us and figure out what’s wrong with us when we’re not feeling 100%, but what happens when …
The detection and identification of cancer has seen incredible improvements over the past several decades, offering a new lease on life to those who would …
Without a cure in sight, cancer has become one of society’s biggest concerns. The fear of getting it is enough for many people to change …
Killing cancer is the ultimate goal for many researchers, and they’re studying various ways of doing it. Some scientists are working on a vaccine that …
How cool would it be to stop cancer dead in its tracks using a vaccine that would work regardless of cancer type? It turns out …
A government-funded study was released this morning which somewhat shows a link between cellphones and cancer. The results are catnip to the paleo-vegan anti-vaxxer crowd, who …
We’re still far from eradicating cancer, but researchers are making progress with all sorts of interesting therapies that could put a stop to abnormal cell …
Yes, the World Health Organization is placing bacon and other processed meats on the list of substances that might cause cancer. No, you don’t have …
Bacon, sausages, and ham are the new entrants on the World Health Organization’s most carcinogenic substances, ranking right next to cigarettes as a major cause …
Cancer is a terrifying disease that researchers around the globe are obsessively working to cure. Now scientists from the USA have made a breakthrough discovery …
You wouldn’t expect Cuba to be the source of a lung cancer vaccine that many other countries want, but that appears to be exactly the …
According to the largest review of its kind, the British Health Protection Agency says there is no clear evidence that radiation from mobile phones poses a health threat, …
There is no link between cell phone use and an increase risk in cancer, the largest study on the topic to date has concluded. The …
The CTIA recently filed a lawsuit in San Francisco, California in an effort to block the city’s “Cell Phone Right-to-Know” ordinance, which the CTIA says …
The results of a recent European study published in the Journal of the National Cancer Institute concluded that there is no connection between cell phone …
The city of San Francisco has approved an ordinance that will require cell phone retailers to warn customers about the dangers of cell phone radiation, …