Nurses post Snapchats of themselves giving babies the finger and calling them ‘mini Satans’
The disappearing photo messages of Snapchat have given people freedom to speak their minds in ways not possible in other messaging apps, but for several …
The disappearing photo messages of Snapchat have given people freedom to speak their minds in ways not possible in other messaging apps, but for several …
At least two people have been injured as a result of a friendly-fire incident during a Russian military exercise. That’s bad; what’s more shocking is …
Central Mexico was rocked on Tuesday afternoon by a catastrophic magnitude 7.1 earthquake. Citing the US Geological Society (USGS), CNN reports that the epicenter of …
Unlike many toy fads that come and go, Nerf guns have withstood the test of time. Whether it’s the bright colors and comically oversized darts, …
Facebook’s targeted advertising system is a powerful marketing tool in the right hands. But if someone with less-than-good intentions signs up for an account, bad …
Fall is approaching which means the cherished festival of Oktoberfest will be kicking off in Germany in just a few days. The official event is …
Members of an uncontacted tribe, said to include women and children, have allegedly been massacred by gold miners in a remote part of the Brazilian …
Hurricane Irma swept through mainland Florida last night, wreaking havoc and resulting in some truly devastating photos. But amid all the very real chaos, people …
It’s the year 2097. There you are enjoying the 84th season of House of Cards on your Wi-Fi enabled neural implant when your significant other …
T-Mobile has a new incentive for families on the One plan to stick around: free Netflix. Starting today, anyone with two or more lines on …
In possibly the most important piece of tech reporting to be published in 2017, the New York Times has discovered that the Boston Red Sox have been …
Destiny 2 is one of the most highly anticipated games of the year, and its release is finally upon us. The game technically launches at …
Most of us will (hopefully) never be in a situation where we have to rely on virtual assistant to save the lives of our entire …
The first Tesla Model S was released in 2012, so it’s still young by used-car standards. We don’t know what a junker Model S looks …
As expected, Hurricane Harvey has taken a significant toll on Texas since making landfall on August 25th. Hundreds of thousands of people have been affected …
News crews covering natural disasters like Hurricane Harvey have the tricky task of reporting on the event as it unfolds while also doing their best …
There’s all kinds of incredible and distressing imagery coming out of Hurricane Harvey, but as ever, you need to check before pressing E to pay …
Hurricane Harvey struck Texas this past weekend, making landfall early Saturday and leaving a path of utter devastation in its wake. For those of us …
Russia’s very first stealth fighter jet appeared above a sea of Russian tanks and weaponry just outside the capital Moscow – a clear signal to …
It’s a bad week to work in Verizon’s PR department. Yesterday, the company announced that it’s making its Unlimited plans far worse, with new confusing …
The Quadriga sustainable shipping project aims to build the world’s largest cargo sailing ship, which could carry up to 2,000 cars. Quadriga, which was first …
The greatest concern for most of us when it comes to visiting an ATM is remembering out PIN and making sure a skimmer isn’t stealing …
There’s nothing remotely cool about accidentally flying 250 feet off of a cliff — that is, unless you survive and your motorcycle’s camera records the …
Next week, the sun is going to be blocked out — hopefully, by the moon, rather than a hail of ICBMs. A rare solar eclipse …
OnePlus, the independent manufacturer that makes the popular smartphones of the same name, has a thing for edgy marketing. Rather than splashy ad campaigns, OnePlus …
A week ago, nobody knew who James Damore was. Being an engineer at Google might be a solid gig, but it doesn’t exactly come with …
Autonomous vehicle technology is pushing forward at a brisk pace, but we’re still not to a point where driverless cars can be universally trusted. Cruising …
Comparing modern technology to the future predicted by Philip K Dick’s sci-fi short story — and eventual 2002 feature film — Minority Report is getting …
Long-range aircraft testing must be an incredibly tiring job. I mean, imagine cruising around in a plane for 17 hours at a time, putting fancy …
The Ferrari F430 Scuderia is a ridiculously rare car, even for a Ferrari. The company manufactured less than 500 of them, which means actually getting …