Google shuts down pay-per-download movie site
Corporations like Google spend so much time acquiring new assets, companies, and services that it’s not often you hear about a service closure. Hold on …
Corporations like Google spend so much time acquiring new assets, companies, and services that it’s not often you hear about a service closure. Hold on …
Sure, you’re thinking executives move from company to company everyday…what’s the big deal? Well, if this one pans out, it could mean big changes for …
While we haven’t reviewed too many Bluetooth headsets to date, I’m really liking the Gennum nX6000 I’ve been trying out for the past week or …
And they’re not all that shabby. The German-based telecom company had a pretty successful quarter, with a wealth of numbers that seem to indicate positive …
If you’re anything like me, you’re bumping up against your 2.82 GB limit in your Gmail inbox. Just shy of 3 gigs sounds like a …
Despite our relative ambivalence towards Palm’s upcoming Foleo, we imagine that someone must be interested in the damn thing. Today Palm, during a presentation to …
What a day for RAZR fans. First Verizon announces a September drop date for the upcoming RAZR V9m, and now Sprint chimes in with a …
A small number of iPhone screens appear to be developing some touchscreen issues. "Select" handsets seem to be experiencing a rather large-scale failure of all …
…and to be honest, we sorta’ agree with you. According to a new poll published by The Harris Interactive Agency, almost 90% of Americans believe …
Oh Sprint. We don’t envy you come quarterly report time. You’re frequently faced with the unpleasant task of making lemonade out of lemons, spinning your …
Imagine…You’re the subject of a news article that winds up on Google News. When you go to read said article, you find you’ve been misquoted. …
Well well well….Nokia has done it again. While the European version of the N95 has been available here in the States for a while only …
While there’s not a whole lot here that we haven’t already told you about, it’s always nice to see some tangible proof in front of …
CrunchGear seems to think so, and we’re inclined to agree. It’s a natural nickname, given the HTC Kaiser’s trademark tilt-up keyboard configuration. There’s still no …
Has it really been that long? It seems like just yesterday that we were lined up outside of the neighborhood 7-11, waiting our turn to …
If you’re between the ages of 14 and 22, are addicted to video games and porn…oh, and are Chinese, some pretty interesting legislation could be …
Here’s some tasty news for you iPhone fanatics out there…iPhoneology has uncovered some interesting information from inside the iPhone’s file system. It actually might have …
Well looky here…RIM has gone ahead and dropped its Wi-Fi equipped BlackBerry 8820 on Spanish soil. Showing up on the Orange network, the BlackBerry 8820 is pretty …
Yeah, we definitely brought you the Hands On! scoopage before but, it’s always nice to unbox a retail model. Build quality has improved tremendously, and …
In a mixture of high-fives and "hell yeahs," people are rejoicing at the sign of things to come: lower roaming costs. Yesterday, the FCC voted …
…to the tune of $9.99. That’s the sum the company is now charging customers who, for whatever reason, refuse to leave their grandfathered TDMA AT&T …
The Helio Ocean is many things, but hackable? Never…at least not until now. An enterprising Ocean fanatic has managed to install the ubiquitous Opera Mini …
iLife ’08 just made my life soo much easier! From actual support of AVCHD camcorders in a fantastic new iMovie, to iPhoto and the .Mac …
This moment was bound to come, but we’re still in a bit of shock. HTC has announced that the HTC Advantage (X7501) is now available through …
Fellow Apple fanboys rejoice — our leader has just announced a plethora of new goodies and the best part, you ask? Well, most of them …
Fresh on the heels of our friends at, we were curious and decided to look at our BGR community visitors to get an idea of …
Nokia has officially bought in to the Microsoft DRM empire. The Finnish handset manufacturer has announced that it will include support for Microsoft’s PlayReady DRM …
image courtesy: Clarion Ledger Now that 20GB PlayStation 3s have dropped to $449, 60GB versions should be flying off the shelves at $499. Xbox 360’s …
Whoa. Either we’ve just hit the Verizon motherload, or someone has orchestrated an elaborate hoax. We sincerely hope that it’s the former. A Verizon employee …
Well, Just Blaze and I need your help. We’re looking for someone to hack the iPhone for us and manually change the "reply-to" address in Yahoo! …