SEC begins investigation into Apple / Jobs health disclosure
File this one under “duh”. With all of the commotion caused by Apple CEO Steve Jobs’ announcement earlier this month, it was only a matter …
File this one under “duh”. With all of the commotion caused by Apple CEO Steve Jobs’ announcement earlier this month, it was only a matter …
According to sources at Taiwanese handset makers, Microsoft is set to deliver Windows Mobile 6.5 to handset makers in the second half of 2009. Handsets …
In a recent interview with Roger MacNamee of Elevation Partners, Sarah dug up some pretty great features of webOS that had gone relatively unnoticed until …
Yes, we can! Maybe all the hootin’ and hollerin’ about Barack’s quandary regarding the status of his BlackBerry actually ended up helping the President keep …
Good news for all of the Fido BlackBerry wannabes out there. As expected and just like we told you last week, Fido did indeed begin …
The blurry cam cometh! We gave you some HTC G2 info last month and since then, the buzz-o-net has been pretty quiet on HTC’s Android …
In today’s harsh economic climate it’s nice to see that some people still have options – of course heading up the engineering team that built …
Thanks to some excellent work by one of our trusty ninjas, we’ve got an early look at a couple of new handsets that are set …
We gave you our iPhone list, and while this probably has many more minor annoyances than actual feature omissions, we still thought it would be …
We’ve covered Pandora’s troubles before here on BGR and while the custom internet radio provider struggles to strike a workable deal with the RIAA, subscriptions …
If you’re the type who doesn’t mind picking up slightly-less-than-new products from eBay or Craigslist, Apple has the online store for you! Except it’s only …
Announced back in December, the O2 XDA Guide finally got up close personal in photographs. The Windows Mobile 6.1 Professional handset will replace Germany’s current …
Apple will disclose its earnings for Q1 FY2009 tomorrow and as is always the case, analysts are in full swing with revised predictions. If Apple’s …
Look, we love our iPhones as much as the person, but at this late point in the game, there are some things that are just …
2008 turned out to be a milestone year for LG as it managed to leapfrog past both Motorola and Sony Ericsson by outselling them for …
If you’re a Sprint customer right now without any major service issues, leaving the carrier so close to Pre-Day seems crazy. The most anticipated handset …
Back in July, Nokia announced that it would be discontinuing development and support for its BlackBerry Connect solution. For those who aren’t familiar with the …
The latest addition to the XpressMusic family, the Nokia 5730 XpressMusic, just got the full-on preview treatment over at Mobile-Review. As is always the case, …
You didn’t think your pals at BGR would leave you hanging, did you? Last week we whet your ‘Berry appetite with the news that BlackBerry …
Steve Wozniak took the time out of his busy schedule to sit down with a Bay Area affiliate of NBC to discuss his take on …
There it is folks, the first usable prototype of TechCrunch’s internet tablet project. For those who missed it, Michael Arrington decided he wanted a sizable, …
Other than a brief appearance on a recent rebate sheet for Verizon Wireless, details on LG’s modular VX9600 have been few and far between. The …
Ok Windows Mobile fans, it looks like you might actually see something new emerge from the fray at Mobile World Congress next month worth getting …
Oh sweet lord, is it ever going to get messy in the comments. RIM co-CEO Jim Balsillie was recently in Cannes at a music industry …
Allow us to quickly bring you up to speed: The Daily Background did a bit of digging when it came across some ads on Mechanical …
It looks like Verzion is all set to launch its answer to Sprint’s Airave femtocell on Sunday January 25th. What the heck is femtocell you …
Before we get into the BlackBerry side of things, we wanted to thank everyone who downloaded BGR Mobile for iPhone/iPod touch so far. We’ve had …
If Play.com is to be believed – and often times it is – Nokia’s upcoming flagship N97 looks to be gearing up for a UK …
Details on this are sketchy at best, but early reports seem to indicate that T-Mobile has begun offering its MyFaves service as a free add-on …
It’s hard not to get excited any time a new handset with an 8 megapixel shooter rears its head in the wild. Take the Sammy …