This unbelievable image of Jupiter’s cloud belts makes me want to move there
Jupiter is, scientifically speaking, not great for humans. The gravitational pull is about 2.4 times that of Earth, and its atmosphere is mostly hydrogen and …
Jupiter is, scientifically speaking, not great for humans. The gravitational pull is about 2.4 times that of Earth, and its atmosphere is mostly hydrogen and …
The US space program hasn’t sent astronauts to the moon since the early 1970s, but if Donald Trump has his way, NASA will be once …
Before the solar eclipse earlier this year, scientists had one warning: Don’t stare directly at a partial eclipse, or the sun will scortch your retinas. …
If you were a small-to-medium-sized creature during the ancient Jurassic or Cretaceous periods, you definitely wouldn’t have wanted the shadow of a pterosaur to appear …
In case you’ve been blissfully unaware, there are still a seemingly large number of people who believe that the Earth isn’t actually round. If you …
Doctors hope a mosquito trap will prevent the spread of disease. The trap is smart enough to know what type of mosquito it’s trapping, and …
Astronomers have been making something of a habit of discovering exoplanets as of late. Spotting the telltale signs of a planet orbiting a far-away star …
When it comes to the objects floating around in our solar system, scientists have a pretty good handle on what they all are. Aside from …
For centuries, scientists who have dedicated their lives to studying the human brain have attempted to unlock its mysteries. The role the brain plays in …
If you’ve ever bit down at the wrong moment or drank some scalding hot cocoa or soup, there’s a good chance you know what a …
Aren’t nightmares just the worst? There you are, trying to catch a few well-deserved Zs when you’re torn from your peaceful slumber and tossed into …
We know our galaxy is huge, and that there’s an untold number of other galaxies out there in the unimaginably large universe. We also know …
With its hardware already right where it needs to be, NASA has decided it wants to extend its Dawn mission, which will bring its spacecraft …
If just the sight of a spider or snake is enough to send a shiver up your spine you already know you’re not alone, but …
Jupiter has a bunch of moons, Saturn has rings, and Earth has life (that’s pretty cool), but what about Mars? Well, as it turns out, …
When researchers are searching for remnants of structures and settlements constructed by ancient peoples they typically focus on areas that are hospitable to human life. …
Bees, moths, and other flying insects can be a bit of a nuisance when you’re trying to enjoy a nice sunny day outside, but they’re …
A human settlement on the Moon — or at least some kind of lunar base that astronauts can hang out in — is a romantic …
NASA Cassini spacecraft performed its final, fateful dive into Saturn several weeks ago, destroying itself in the planet’s atmosphere and ending an incredible mission that …
Most of Lego’s most popular toy sets focus firmly on fantastical worlds that have nothing to do with reality — like Star Wars, Harry Potter, …
Archaeologists in Egypt have discovered the remains of an ancient temple belonging to King Ramses II. Egypt’s Ministry of Antiquities says that the discovery was …
The asteroid that came “damn close” to slamming into the Earth this week could cause utter devastation several decades down the road, and scientists can’t …
NASA is sending a spacecraft to Mars next year that is going to look inside the Red Planet and attempt to learn things about our …
As humans, we sure do love our pets. Whether it’s a fluffy little gerbil or a dog so big it can snag a plate off …
Okay, I’ve got some good news and some bad news, which one do you want first? Let’s start with the good news: New research into …
Scientists have known for some time that Mars once had lots and lots of water — in fact, some of it is still there — …
Thanks to the fact that it never leaves Earth’s side, the Moon has been the subject of scientific curiosity and study for thousands of years, …
2017 has been absolutely packed with interesting celestial events that gave skywatchers plenty of reasons to crane their necks and take in the sights, and …
Humanity has long wondered where we come from, or why life itself even exists in the first place. It’s the ultimate question for many, and …
It’s probably safe to say that most people would be pretty interested in humanity making contact with intelligent alien life, but few of us actually …