‘Avengers 4’ actor basically confirms that Doctor Strange will return from the dead
We’ve often talked about Doctor Strange’s resurrection in Avengers 4. After all, he’s the mastermind of the only plan that will allow the Avengers to …
We’ve often talked about Doctor Strange’s resurrection in Avengers 4. After all, he’s the mastermind of the only plan that will allow the Avengers to …
We’ve been covering the latest Avengers films for months now, trying to figure out what will happen after that infamous snap. We know that plenty …
We’ve known for quite a while that many of the superheroes who turned to dust in Infinity War will be brought back to life somehow. …
The Avengers 4 title may have already been revealed, according to recent reports, which would explain Mark Ruffalo’s recent stunt with Jimmy Fallon. But Marvel …
We’ve been talking about the Avengers 4 title from the moment the final Infinity War credits scene ended, but Disney and Marvel haven’t been ready …
What will Avengers 4 be called? That’s something we still have yet to figure out, although there are plenty of rumors and guesses floating around. …
I’m pretty confident that all of the dead Avengers will be resurrected in Avengers 4, but that doesn’t mean the Infinity War sequel will have …
A few weeks ago, the Russo Brothers posted a somewhat cryptic teaser on social media, an image showing one of the two Avengers co-directors, with …
A few weeks ago, we saw Dave Bautista casually mention that he’s going to be in both Avengers 4 and Guardians 3, even though Drax, his …
All summer long I kept telling you that the deaths in Infinity War aren’t as final as Marvel and Disney want us to think. With …
So far this week we learned that as many as three beloved Avengers characters might return in Avengers 4 — only one of them is …
When Thanos snapped his fingers in that powerful glove of his at the end of Infinity War, he killed half of the population in the …
Still worried about the fates of your favorite Avengers characters? Well, we have more good news for you. We have evidence that suggests yet another character …
Earlier this week, Disney quietly released the first Captain Marvel trailer, a few days after the marketing campaign started. Captain Marvel hits theaters on March …
Avengers 4 isn’t due to hit theaters until next year and it’s unlikely Marvel will reveal the film’s title anytime soon. We just saw the …
Tony Stark and Steve Rogers seem like the most likely Avengers to die come spring when Avengers 4 hits theaters. They’ve been two of the …
In the five months since Avengers: Infinity War hit cinemas I’ve seen numerous fan theories about what had just happened in the MCU and about …
Marvel is doing everything it can to prevent Avengers 4 secrets from leaking, but that’s a daunting task, especially considering the reach of social media …
Because Avengers: Infinity War ended the way it did, we’ve been speculating ever since on what it all means. As the days turned into weeks …
For months now, we’ve been gathering plenty of evidence from the Avengers cast and Marvel execs that proves the dead Infinity War heroes will be resurrected …
Next April can’t come soon enough if you’re a fan of the Marvel Cinematic Universe. Marvel’s brilliant cliffhanger in Infinity War made sure that fans will …
The tragic Infinity War deaths will be undone. I’m sure of that by now, given all the evidence I’ve seen that says most of the …
Marvel Cinematic Universe fans are anxiously waiting to see what happens in the Avengers franchise, and that’s all thanks to the brilliant Infinity War cliffhanger. …
Just a few days ago, an Avengers star told us he’d be back for two more Marvel movies, including Avengers 4, in spite of being …
If you’ve been following the news surrounding Avengers 4 spoilers over the past few weeks, you probably know that most of them offer proof that the …
This week, we learned about two more Avengers characters who will miraculously return from the dead in the next movie. One revelation involved the first time …
The closer we get to Avengers 4, the clearer it is that almost all the characters who died in Infinity War will return to life …
For months now, we’ve been digging through all sorts of statements made by the Avengers cast and Marvel execs in search of evidence supporting the idea …
I fully expected to see Thanos kill some of the Marvel superheroes in Infinity War. I also believed that at least Captain America would be …
After 20 movies in the Marvel Cinematic Universe, some fans may be right to ask themselves why Thanos waited so long to mount the powerful …