

70″ touchscreen PC

Yeah, our mouths are agape as well. This giant beast of a machine is perhaps the biggest all-in-one PC you’ll ever see (for the next …


Game Console Price Cuts

E3 is the time of the season when a gamer’s mind turns to how cheap they’ll get their next console; that’s how ingrained summer price …


Vertu Ascent Ti goes 3G!

These times of technological progress and innovation are good fun, but what about those of us that like to pay thousands of dollars for high-end devices? Always …


Google picks up Postini

Given their recent spate of frenetic activity, you’d almost be forgiven for thinking that Google had forgotten about its GMail email service. Fear no more, …


RIM to AT&T: You’re Being Screwed.

During a friendly debate between The Boy Genius and myself the other night, the oddity that was the deal between AT&T and Apple (and all of the potential power …