

JVC's new TV likes applause

A television that dynamically responds to clapping and applause? This new set from electronics manufacturer JVC allows users to control many standard functions by clapping …


Sprint looking for new CEO

Anyone out there interested in taking over a beleaguered cell phone company? We didn’t think so, but it never hurts to ask. Sprint-Nextel is apparently …


Gateway's new 30" monitor

Gateway seems to be the sleeper company of the year, bringing some seriously OK designs and products to the market, seemingly out of nowhere. The …


China blocks RSS feeds

  Seriously, we’re not kidding. In a move that’s sure to spark the ire of freedom lovers everywhere, the Chinese government has moved to block …


iPhone activation hiccups

Apple was having a bit of a bad day yesterday, completely shutting down their iPhone activation service until further notice. There were numerous reports of …