More Verizon Release Dates
If our last post didn’t give you enough of a heads-up, we’re ready to go for another round! Thanks to a tipster, we got some …
If our last post didn’t give you enough of a heads-up, we’re ready to go for another round! Thanks to a tipster, we got some …
In a move clearly designed as a direct challenge to Apple, Nokia has launched a bold new advertising campaign. The company’s "Open" ads flaunt the …
A television that dynamically responds to clapping and applause? This new set from electronics manufacturer JVC allows users to control many standard functions by clapping …
Can’t decide if you’re going to get a Sidekick LX or Sidekick Slide? But if you get a Sidekick LX, what color are you getting? …
Rumors have been swirling as of late about a possible overhaul of the Apple Mac Mini. This new miniature Apple computer might be called the …
We’ll admit off the bat that this one sounds a bit far-fetched. Then again, Palm is still doing business, so we suppose that anything is …
We ran a story in which we spoke to TeleNav about their software, functionalities, and also encouraged you to submit some things you’d like to …
Anyone out there interested in taking over a beleaguered cell phone company? We didn’t think so, but it never hurts to ask. Sprint-Nextel is apparently …
Gateway seems to be the sleeper company of the year, bringing some seriously OK designs and products to the market, seemingly out of nowhere. The …
Seriously, we’re not kidding. In a move that’s sure to spark the ire of freedom lovers everywhere, the Chinese government has moved to block …
Things are really looking up for our Spanish RIM friends. First the new BlackBerry Pearl launches exclusive on their shores, and now this bit of …
Apple Insider, ever the purveyors of reliable Apple intel, has made a bold statement. An Apple announcement will take place during the end of October, …
Fancy your speakers carved out of rare wood? Looking for something to make you stand out of the crowd? Maybe just want a conversation piece; …
Here’s some good news for anyone who rutinely flies on Alaska Airlines. The company has announced plans to bring wireless internet into their cabins. The …
Apple was having a bit of a bad day yesterday, completely shutting down their iPhone activation service until further notice. There were numerous reports of …
The day has finally come, friends. All the rumors, speculation, unboxings, and other hints on a release date have all been put to silence…Officially announced …
…at least during November and December, that is. The U.K. cell phone carrier has announced that it will not be charging customers for any …
A couple weeks ago, your faithful friends at BGR brought you the news of T-Mobile’s BlackBerry Curve Breakfast Tour making it’s rounds across America. To follow …
The recently announced HTC S730 was a much needed upgrade to HTC’s Vox. Some quick updates to the device include UMTS/HSDPA, a 400MHz processor, refined …
Oh, the joys of living in Europe. A rapidly strengthening Euro, access to socialized health care, and a brand new BlackBerry 8120. That’s right, we …
No, it doesn’t have the amount of hype and speculation an iPhone did before its release, but we don’t think there has even been this …
Try as they might, Microsoft can’t muscle their way past everyone. The American launch of Halo 3 broke a lot of records, taking home the …
Remember our Verizon Ninja? He’s back with launch dates for Verizon’s big 4. As you can see from the image above, the Samsung Juke will …
It’s not every day you hear a massive corporation admit that they, you know, made a mistake. Then again, we’ve seen stranger things before. EBay …
We’ve been hearing rumors of this for quite a while, but there’s nothing like a bit of confirmation, right? Recently leaked internal documents from Best …
We’ll admit it — we are AIM fanatics over here. Yeah, we mingle with Yahoo, Google Talk, and MSN a bit, but we live and …
We let all you Canadians know that your beloved carrier Rogers would be launching the Motorola Q9h very soon, and it has finally appeared on …
Are you a Verizon customer that uses the company for both your land line and cellular service? You’re in luck, as you’ll soon have the …
Ever wanted to peek deep inside the Sidekick LX’s OS? We compiled a couple screenshots to take you through most of it. Believe it or …
The UMPC market is still pretty small, but that doesn’t stop manufacturers from being able to charge premium prices for devices with somewhat mediocre feature …