RIM renting out Air Canada centre in Toronto for employee Christmas party?
That’s the word on the streets of Toronto. RIM is supposedly throwing a huge bash tonight for employees instead of a regular Christmas party. …
That’s the word on the streets of Toronto. RIM is supposedly throwing a huge bash tonight for employees instead of a regular Christmas party. …
Google has been steadily converting their suite of services for mobile use, with existing mobile versions of Gmail, Google Calendar, Google Docs, Google Maps, and …
During this morning’s Connecting with the Experts BlackBerry webinar, Research In Motion unveiled the upcoming service pack release to their BlackBerry Enterprise Server solution. To say that …
And the never ending battle continues. John Hart, a Californian Comcast customer, has sued the internet provider over the company’s peer to peer blocking policies. …
It’s like something out of a movie, really. Half the time, one wonders if the NSA exists. The other half of the time, you wonder what …
Helio, everyone’s favorite MVNO, has just added one more notch on their why-you-should-switch-to-us belt. The company has just thrown a $50 price cut across the …
Tsk Tsk, Rogers. You’ve been letting the cat out of the bag more times than J. Lo’s pregnancy. We stumbled across this Roger’s eNEWSLETTER preference …
Are you a parent that’s worried about what your son or daughter might be downloading / viewing on their mobile phone? A suspicious girlfriend looking …
If the rumors are true, we could have our very own Microsoft-branded Flickr alternative before too long. Microsoft recently posted a job listing with the …
We’re all for the idea of wireless technology, but don’t think we’re in the minority when we say that quality audio is more important than …
Little changes make big waves, we suppose. Google has made subtle change to its Adsense online advertising service, apparently in the hopes of eliminating and …
Most major stores offer incredible door buster deals on the Friday after Thanksgiving, Black Friday. This year T-Mobiile is no exception. They are offering a …
With WiFi becoming commonplace in cell phones now, the withdrawal symptoms become increasingly obvious when you’re not connected. In an effort to further the addiction, …
Yeah, you read that correctly. It is now possible to run a version of Palm’s Garnet operating system on your favorite N-Series internet tablet device. …
What’s classier than a run-of-the-mill Nokia 8800, but not quite elevated to Vertu status? The 8800 Arte, of course. The newly released handset sports of …
We’ll file this one under the "rumor" tag for now, but BlackBerry Cool seems to think that RIM’s new consumer BlackBerry server software should be …
Typically, even if it’s a given that a company should have approached something differently, it’s rare when a CEO actually admits it. Yet, that’s exactly …
A month ago uttering the phrase "Android SDK" would have elicited little more than "whaat?" Thankfully Google has infused the term with a sense of …
Jay-Z is retired. Yet, his new album "American Gangster," is trying bigger than ever. But, it will never find its way onto iTunes, namely because Jay Hova …
Oh Nokia, if only your clever games were a bit more…clever. The company has just launched a new teaser site advertising what appears to …
If you went out and bought yourself a brand new Motorola-manufactured Sidekick Slide, you might have noticed a problem — when you flip the screen …
Anyone noticing any iPhone activation issues out there? We got a couple tips that they were down, but haven’t been able to confirm this ourselves …
We’ll file this one as a rumor until further confirmation, but some relatively authentic-looking screenshots seem to show an upcoming update to Google Talk that …
Yep, you read that correctly. Tesco, a British version of Target, inadvertently advertised one of the biggest deals we’ve ever seen. The company ran a …
Samsung has officially decided to pull out of the Japanese home electronics market. The company has cut much of its physical retail sales from the …
Here’s an interesting tactic on Microsoft’s part…The company has shipped a number of flash-based Zune 2 devices a bit early. They’re not scheduled for public …
The Friday after Thanksgiving is, without question, the craziest shopping day of the year. Companies go all out with promos, deals, and sales trying to …
Whoa, whoa, whoa! What is going on here? Sprint’s holiday phone guide online lists the usual phones we know about like the Palm Centro, BlackBerry …
So you did what we stupidly did, and you upgraded to the new 1.1.2 software version even though it wasn’t even showing up in iTunes, …
Welp, we didn’t see this one coming, eh? RIM’s now heading down the legal warpath again, but this time it’s the one pulling the trigger, …