It looks like RIM is saying, “Hey, don’t look at us! AT&T is still conducting testing!” Whomever we decide to point the finger toward is just beyond important anymore. The device was announced in May for a summer sale, and as of yet there are no official announcements from AT&T, the U.S. carrier for the Bold. It’s understandable that they would want to test the device for performance and avoid initial problems. Mike Lazaridis, RIM co-CEO, says, “There’s great scrutiny, as you might know, on that network and a certain device. So I guess everyone wants to be sure on every last test.” You guess? Again, this goes back to pointing the finger at AT&T and the iPhone because they weren’t prepared for the network congestion and the problems the iPhone would have. At this point, we don’t want to hear excuses anymore, we just want RIM and AT&T to get this thing out already! Besides, with the way Blackberry compresses data, just how much of a strain can it be to share with the “data-hogging” iPhone 3G? Didn’t RIM or AT&T already decide that they can have 20 Bolds for every iPhone on the network? Oh we get it! RIM has been shuffling all their engineers off the Bold and onto the Storm project…
Thanks Justin!