This free mod makes Watch Dogs look more gorgeous than ever before
Watch Dogs is one of the best games of the year and a decent showcase title for the new generation consoles, but it still doesn’t …
Watch Dogs is one of the best games of the year and a decent showcase title for the new generation consoles, but it still doesn’t …
We’re more certain than ever that the iPhone 6 is less than two months from release, which means the leaks will likely continue unabated until …
Anyone who bought Battlefield 4 when it released last year could tell you just how broken it was out of the box. EA simply didn’t …
Wearable tech hasn’t quite taken off like many analysts expected it to, but Android Wear could be the beginning of something big. Samsung and LG …
As the age of the smartwatch begins, everyone is keeping a close eye on Apple. Considering the outrageous success of the iPhone, analysts and consumers alike believe …
After a last minute extension last week, the FCC has finally stopped taking comments regarding the controversial net neutrality proposal. We don’t know what effect over …
Verizon announced on Monday that it would be initiating a loyalty program dubbed Smart Rewards later this month. With Smart Rewards, Verizon subscribers will be able …
The heated back and forth between Netflix and Verizon has gone on for long enough that other companies are beginning to throw their hats into …
Summer can be a rough time of year for gamers. The slow release schedule coupled with the beginning of a new console generation has made this …
When Telltale Games was presented with the monumental task of following up The Walking Dead, the writers took it in stride. Rather than breaking too far …
Our computers are packed to the brim with features we never use, but some of them might be more useful than you think. Business Insider …
Amazon officially announced its eBook and audiobook subscription service Kindle Unlimited on Friday after an accidental leak revealed the details of the service less than 24 …
For months, Netflix has been adamant that Verizon is the root cause of streaming slowdowns on its service, but Verizon countered last week with an accusation …
In an effort to further distance itself from rival Samsung, Apple signed an agreement with TSMC regarding the ongoing production of microprocessors for its smartphones and other devices …
Not everyone with an Android device has been fortunate enough to gain access to the Android L Developer Preview, but some the elements of the update …
Following the enormous round of layoffs announced this morning, Microsoft has now confirmed that Xbox Entertainment Studios will be getting the axe as well. Re/code …
For many of us, nine years was far too long to wait for a new generation of consoles. Although the PlayStation 3 and especially the …
As of 1pm ET on July 17th, the public beta for Destiny is officially live on the PS3 and PS4. In order to get in, …
When we try to justify the price we pay for a game console, we rarely think back past the last generation. At just $400, the PlayStation …
Amazon is about to change the way we acquire books once again. According to Gigaom, members of the Kindle Boards discovered a page on Tuesday which …
One of the only things keeping cable subscribers tied to their providers is the never-ending stream of quality content being pumped out by HBO. Whether …
A remastered version of one of the most esteemed games of the last generation, The Last of Us, is coming to the PS4 in two …
When Minecraft first went on sale, it wasn’t finished yet. In fact, it’s still not finished, but when the first Minecraft alpha release hit the Internet, …
As a matter of course, we try to cover some of the most interesting crowdfunded and independently developed projects, whether they’re pitched to us or …
Earlier this year, a report from the Taiwanese publication Business Times revealed that the 5.5-inch iPhone 6 phablet might be delayed into 2015 on account …
Over the course of the past several years, each and every one of us have become amateur photographers. From the adequate cameras on our smartphones to …
The next time you pose a ridiculous question to Google, like how many walruses you’d have to stack on top of one another to reach …
In a recent update to the App Store Distribution page, Apple has revealed that iOS 7 adoption has reached 90% across all iOS devices as of …
After conducting an investigation into China-based supplier Shinyang Electronics following accusations of child labor, Samsung has decided to suspend its business with the supplier. According …
We got a pretty good taste of what’s to come from Bungie’s new massively multiplayer shooter during the Destiny First-Look Alpha, but the public beta …