NASA missed these 11 dangerous asteroids, but an AI caught them
There are lots and lots of space rocks hanging out in our solar system. Most of them will never pose a threat to our planet, …
There are lots and lots of space rocks hanging out in our solar system. Most of them will never pose a threat to our planet, …
Earth is covered in water. It’s the big blue marble, and oceans dominate its surface… but what if they didn’t? What if Earth’s oceans were …
It’s easy to imagine the area around Earth being so incredibly large that there’s no way we could ever clog it with manmade debris. Unfortunately, …
When we gaze out into our solar system and observe its several planets and many moons, one thing tends to be true of just about …
Scientists studying our planet have a pretty good idea of what goes on up here at the surface. Understanding what’s going on deep underground or …
Jupiter has long been credited with protecting the inner solar system from pesky asteroids and other objects that could potentially cause a problem for us …
In the exoplanet-hunting game, scientists are collecting discoveries faster than they can actually sit back and study them. There’s a lot of planets out there, …
Some might argue that mankind’s gradual destruction of planet Earth is proof that we’re not the smartest species around. I mean, how smart can we …
Earlier this year, scientists revealed that Earth’s magnetic north pole is shifting faster than anyone had predicted. Polar shifts aren’t uncommon and we’ve long known …
NASA captures lots and lots of lovely photos of Earth being bathed in bright sunlight, but images of our planet shrouded in darkness can be …
Earth is the only planet we know of that currently hosts life in any form. Because of that, it’s tempting to assume that, in the …
The hole in the ozone layer is one of the most glaring examples of how human activity has changed Earth in a negative way. Decades …
Are there other Earth-like planets out there in the cosmos? We simply don’t know. Scientists have been peering into space for centuries and, thanks to …
Sometime within the next five years or so, NASA plans on sending humans back to the Moon. Looking to the future, NASA is laying the …
Determining how far back in Earth’s history life took root has been an immense challenge for scientists over the years. Finding fossils dating back tens …
We generally have a pretty solid grasp of what kinds of materials exist in Earth’s crust, but despite centuries of study, sometimes our planet throws …
A popular rock-climbing destination in Utah, Castleton Tower dominates the surrounding landscape, standing nearly 400 feet tall like a stone skyscraper. It’s a gorgeous sight …
Researchers have made incredible advancements in the detection and study of exoplanets in recent years, spotting literally thousands of new planets and learning tantalizing details …
Some astronomers have suggested that Earth is overdue for a large asteroid impact, and that we’re living on borrowed time until we can shore up …
If you’re looking for some kind of apocalyptic scenario to get anxious about, the Earth’s poles flipping is as good a nightmare as any. Scientists …
If you’ve been wringing your hands and saying your goodbyes in advance of the visit from asteroid 2006 QV89 later this year, you can relax. …
Earlier this week, a total solar eclipse gave skywatchers in South America a very good reason to gaze at the heavens. Only a very small …
Mankind is responsible for dramatic changes to Earths’ climate that may well spell doom for our continued existence on this planet. Scientists have proven it …
Astronomers eager to observe bizarre visitors to our neck of the Solar System were in for a real treat late last month as the rare …
Last year, a report surfaced that suggested someone, somewhere was producing a huge amount of an ozone-destroying chemical which had already been banned worldwide way …
Most space rocks that pass nearby Earth are solo travelers making their way around the Sun and slipping past our planet as they do so. …
We humans are great at a number of things and very, very bad at several others. For example, we’re pretty terrible when it comes to …
Nuclear weapons testing dates back to the mid 1940s and ramped up significantly starting in the early 1950s. Several countries, including the U.S., Soviet Union, …
NASA’s TESS exoplanet hunting telescope has been on the job for less than a year, but it’s already racking up some impressive discoveries. Following the …
If you find yourself constantly tweaking your home’s thermostat in search of the perfect temperature, you might save some time by just moving to eastern …