

1 Millionth Zune Sold

While hundreds of thousands of iPods are being sold daily, Microsoft’s Zune reached its 1 millionth sale yesterday. Since its launch in November, the Zune …


Bank of America goes mobile

Following on the heels of a number of other American financial institutions, Bank of America has launched a mobile banking site. The company’s mobile porta; provides …


Boingo to Roam on FON Hotspots

Boingo Mobile, the world’s largest provider of  wholesale wireless hotspots, has joined forces with FON to add over 130,000 hotspots to its already impressive network, which more …


Sony in legal trouble again

Remember all of that noise about Sony’s potentially copyright infringing "rumble" action on their Dual Shock controllers? They may have dodged a bullet on that one, …


Zune For Your Car

Microsoft recently partnered with Ford to deliver an integrated music system for the car. With their latest patent it seems as if this is becoming …


Take that, Apple.

It would be fun to be Bill Gates or Steve Jobs. Stupid amounts of money, new technology, and fame. Add to that, the ability to …


Google Calendar Goes Mobile

Google Calendar hasn’t really ever been mobile friendly. Syncing between GCal and your mobile device has required third party software, or other methods to get …