

Xerox hits the search game

Xerox, everyone’s favorite copy machine manufacturer, has entered the search game in a rather major way. The company has just announced Fact Spotter, which is …


Macbooks to get multi-touch?

Rumors have been swirling around that Apple is working on a multi-touch Macbook. According to an unnamed informant, the upcoming Macbook revision will include a …


Moto RIZR Z8 ships. Finally.

Remember Motorola’s mighty Z8? If not, a quick run through to jog your memory. The self-proclaimed media monster sports a unique slider layout, HSDPA radio,  …


Helio UP gets UPgraded

For an upstart MVNO, Helio is doing pretty darn well. Competitive packages, high speed data, hot handsets, and innovative features have put this company at …


A new cable box alternative

Rarely does a factory cable interface sooth the tech-savvy beast. They’re clunky, slow, and can delete all your season passes without warning (stupid Comcast). People …


Skype gets in bed with Toshiba

Toshiba has announced that they will be pre-installing Skype on a number of their popular portable computers. The first models to get the internet-telephony/chat/video conference …


The Next BlackBerry Browser

It seems that in all of the recent iPhone this and iPhone that hype, this hit the news circuits a bit under the radar. It …