Future Shop offers Touch Diamond at $99 as consolation for error
So many people got excited a few days ago after learning the HTC Touch Pro would be $239.99 with a contract from Future Shop. Well, …
So many people got excited a few days ago after learning the HTC Touch Pro would be $239.99 with a contract from Future Shop. Well, …
Well lookie what we have here. It looks like Mozilla stepped it up and decided to release a shiny new tablet version of the Fennec …
If you thought breaking up over a text message was in bad taste, try empathizing with the Tesla employees who were just laid off… via …
When you sit down and compare Android to the various mobile platforms, the lack of Outlook/Exchange sync support is one of Android’s most notable deficiencies. …
Well if there’s one thing a devastated economy is good for, it’s price drops. Prices on plenty of goods and services are dropping, gas has …
MetroPCS announced on Thursday that it will be the first carrier in the US to offer Screen-it, a wireless caller naming service. Screen-it basically brings …
You know, with all the deserved hype about Android being much more open than the iPhone’s platform, one must wonder what security will be like. …
After months of waiting, the Nokia N810 WiMAX edition went live on Nokia’s online storefront this week. No longer “Available Soon” the WiMAX version of …
Okay, time to put the final nail in the coffin of a stupid rumor that we reported on yesterday, one that some took a little …
Wondering what your shopping list might look like this holiday season? One of our AT&T ninjas got his hands on an internal control document outlining …
Nokia released its interim report today covering performance in Q3 of this year. Long story short, it wasn’t pretty. Nokia had predicted a slow third …
Alltel customers who prefer music phones to smartphones have another phone to drool over starting Thursday as Alltel has officially added the LG Rhythm to …
BusinessWeek has managed to get its hands on a teardown of the BlackBerry Bold and it looks like RIM has yet another reason to be …
The Samsung Style Report has a horrible name, I think we can all agree on that. It also, however, highlights some tech that Samsung should …
For better or for worse, the Australian Communications and Media Authority is proposing an amendment to the Mobile Phone Jammer Prohibition that would permit cell …
Add another to the list of phones recently approved by the FCC, this time ’round it is the Sony Ericsson C905 slider . With its …
Everyone knows that the best thing about getting a hot new gadget isn’t the high you get when purchasing it, the joy of unboxing powering …
Well, it seems many of our readers had been scratching their heads regarding the ridiculous number of G1s that T-Mobile allegedly sold during pre-orders. If …
Sure, we hit up the press event and got some early hands on action, but there’s nothing like a really solid review, right? We’ve been …
There’s a rumor floating around the interweb that the BlackBerry Storm is headed to Rogers in time to be placed under the Christmas tree of …
It looks like the FCC just let the cat out of the bag and Nokia’s upcoming candy-coated shooter is headed for the US packing 850/1900 …
With the raging desirability of the T-Mobile G1 in the states, the powers that be have let it loose to T-Mobile UK and it’s due …
So what exactly is this exciting new technology being billed by Sansa as “really really big” and “the revolution of music”? Oh, crap, it’s just …
A survey sent from Microsoft to select users hints that Microsoft is interested in the concept of an “Instant On” OS where a select subset …
Yeah, yeah, we’re a little late on this one, but what can we say? We’re in love. For anyone that gets a kick out of …
T-Mobile customers, we hope you’re ready for some solid Android love. Word on the street is that Santa will be showing up a bit early …
AT&T released a new flavor of USBConnect dongle today along with the claim that it’s the “world’s smallest” device of its kind. We’re not exactly …
Nokia may have dropped BlackBerry Connect support on its devices, essentially removing them from consideration amongst a pretty large number of enterprise customers in North …
Throughout the ages, mothers have always lectured their kids about the virtues of modesty, but it looks like some employees working at RIM never got …