SpaceX Starship prototype explodes during pressure testing
SpaceX Starship prototype SN3 was destroyed during a pressure test early this morning, producing a massive cloud of steam before the vehicle crumpled and collapsed. …
SpaceX Starship prototype SN3 was destroyed during a pressure test early this morning, producing a massive cloud of steam before the vehicle crumpled and collapsed. …
The FDA just approved a brand new test for the novel coronavirus which could speed up the return to normal life. The test looks for …
According to the latest coronavirus numbers from Johns Hopkins University, more than 1,500 people have died so far from the virus in New York City, …
A coronavirus vaccine could be ready for the public in about 18 months, and even then, it might only be available for specific categories of …
Dr. Anthony Fauci is frustrated that stay-at-home orders haven’t been issued across every state in the US. Fauci, one of the country’s top infectious disease …
A rapid-result coronavirus antibody test that supposedly gained FDA approval had not actually been approved by the FDA at the time of the company’s announcement. …
Confirmed cases of the novel coronavirus have now surpassed 1 million globally, including more than 250,000 COVID-19 cases in the United States alone. In the …
NASA’s James Webb Space Telescope takes one big step towards eventually being cleared for launch by arranging its mirror array. The telescope’s current launch date …
Weather scientists are predicting a total of 16 significant storms during the Atlantic hurricane season, along with four major storms of category 3 to 5. …
Coronavirus lockdown measures have forced daily life to change, and that means humans are making less noise on Earth. With less traffic and other human …
The number of coronavirus cases world just hit a staggering record, surpassing 1 million on Thursday. This, as states around the US continue preparing for …
A COVID-19 patient from China was infectious for 49 days after having been infected with the novel coronavirus. The patient had mild symptoms that disappeared …
The Environmental Protection Agency is begging Americans to avoid flushing disinfectant wipes and other types of cleaning materials with pre-applied chemicals and cleaners. Wipes like …
Smoking has been proven to damage lungs and hinders lung function, making it harder to recover from a coronavirus infection that progresses to the point …
Doctors observed that the onset of neurological symptoms in some patients may be a warning sign of a novel coronavirus infection. Some COVID-19 patients have …
When the novel coronavirus outbreak was first picking up pace in the US, countless misinformed people including the president of the United States likened it …
A new study shows that carriers of novel coronavirus can spread the infections before the usual COVID-19 symptoms appear. The study echoes earlier findings from …
Scientists say astronaut pee could be a vital ingredient in building structures on the Moon. Urea, found in urine, can be used to help bind …
NASA hid a coded message on its Mars Perseverance rover, and internet sleuths quickly picked up on it. On the aluminum plate attached to the …
Not all the patients fighting off an infection of the novel coronavirus will be admitted to hospitals, as many cases show mild-to-moderate symptoms that can …
The race for a coronavirus vaccine is ongoing as biotech companies across the globe have intensified their efforts. A promising plant-based vaccine from British American …
The COVID-19 coronavirus pandemic that began with an initial outbreak in China has gone on to ravage cities around the world, resulting in more than …
Dozens of young spring breakers have the novel coronavirus after heading to Mexico despite advice from health and government officials to avoid such trips. 28 …
A team of researchers in China were able to identify strong antibodies from COVID-19 survivors that were “extremely effective” at blocking the novel coronavirus from …
Coronavirus infections are far more serious for individuals with health conditions like diabetes, heart disease, and severe obesity, CDC data shows. Some states and communities …
The loss of smell may be an early warning of a novel coronavirus infection, recent reports have shown. Harvard researchers studied the genetics of the …
Coronavirus can travel up to 27 feet through the air, an MIT researcher warns, basing her new research paper on more up-to-date models of how …
The FDA approved a coronavirus trial of a drug that’s used to treat erectile dysfunction, among other things. The drug showed promise in treating ARDS, …
Ancient Mars may have received its wealth of water from a couple of major sources, new research suggests. Studying the content of Martian meteorites that …
Most coronavirus cases are mild or moderate, and some people might not even experience any symptoms before they recover from COVID-19. The elderly and those …