Novatel announces new HSDPA cards for Rogers
Looking for a little HSDPA express card action on Rogers Wireless? Happiness will soon be yours. Novatel Wireless has just announced that they will be …
Looking for a little HSDPA express card action on Rogers Wireless? Happiness will soon be yours. Novatel Wireless has just announced that they will be …
Remember last month when we told you that AT&T would be offering refurbishediPhones at a nice discount? Done deal. The 4 GB model has yet …
The mobile market is flooded with IM clients these days and as time goes on, they continue to become more feature-rich and usable. Typing messages …
Remember the black Nokia N82 we showed you the first live images of last month? Remember how hot it looked, despite the blurry pics? Well …
…or just a grainy prank? You be the judge. The shot above is reportedly of the upcoming Intel-branded Netbook. This tiny, Eee PC-ish machine is …
Our buddies over at Colorware have just added the DS Lite to their portfolio of customization service options and our order is already in. For …
Looking to grab a little low-end 3G handset on T-Mobile America? Your choices just got a bit more appealing. The Nokia 3555, which has been …
Your Windows Mobile multimedia experience just got a little bit richer. Microsoft has just announced that the much hailed Silverlight 1.0 rich internet development platform …
It looks like Apple has a few tricks up its sleeves. The company has been caught red handed, filing a publicly available patent for …
While El Jobso is busy complaining that currently available Flash Mobile Player solutions aren’t up to snuff, Microsoft is wheeling and dealing. Adobe has announced …
Huh – Apple issues new goodies on a Monday? Does tradition mean nothing? Oh well, we’ll take what we can get then. Just as we …
It’s a shame that spamming isn’t an offense punishable by death, preferably by public flogging at the hands of bat-wielding geeks. Alas, we do still …
LG appears to have its game face on in 2008, at least as far as fashion phones are concerned. We’ve already reported on several sweet-looking …
We damn near fell out of our seats when we learned that NASA didn’t burn billions of tax dollars developing space-grade portable media players. In …
Last Tuesday was a bit of a let down after a flurry of new goodies arriving at the Apple Store on consecutive Tuesdays in 2008. …
After a few misfires due to some dodgy-sourced reports made their way across the Symbian blogosphere last week, we now have word the that highly …
A series of patent filings from October 2006 were recently uncovering, revealing a logical next step for Apple’s increasingly popular Apple TV service. The patents …
I’m taking a nice, long vacation. It’s actually the first time I’m going to be taking a day or more off since I started BGR …
Market trends as far as displays are concerned continue to go in the proper direction; quality and size go up, price comes down. If only …
The FCC is likely one of the most transparently corrupt government entities in this country. What’s worse, they can be bought cheap. Preferential treatment …
Do you have any Facebook contacts with whom you communicate whose IM details you don’t have? We’re not talking about the kid from third grade …
Have $17,000 to blow? Need an HD media player? Goldmund, a high-end home theater company, has just announced one of the world’s most expensive Blu-ray …
ShoZu, creator of the extremely popular smartphone application bearing its name, has just announced a public beta of a new desktop application. For those who …
Rich Miner, Google’s VP of Mobile, used eComm yesterday to rekindle buzz surrounding Google’s upcoming mobile OS Android. How did he attempt to accomplish this? …
We’ve seen some handset manufacturers take a few liberties here and there, but at least they typically try to issue specs that bear some semblance …
Hating on Monster seems to be the latest craze but if you’re a music lover and a tech lover, then there’s no denying that the …
Tumbling internet super-company AOL has just announced that it has acquired social network Bebo for a cool $850 million in cash. Although rumors of a …
You already know the drill by now — rumor alert — but we can’t hold back from posting this juicy bit of information we just …
It’s ‘out with the old and in with the new’ for BlackBerry fans in the US today as AT&T has finally begun issuing the RIM …
Like it was going to any other U.S. carrier with 850/1900MHz 3G bands. Anyways, Marco over at CellPhoneSignal uncovered a reference to MEdia Net in …