Every single on-screen death from Game of Thrones season 4 in one 2-minute video
Game of Thrones season 5 finally premieres this Sunday — THIS SUNDAY! — and GoT fans couldn’t be more excited. The various trailers and teasers …
Game of Thrones season 5 finally premieres this Sunday — THIS SUNDAY! — and GoT fans couldn’t be more excited. The various trailers and teasers …
Starting this Friday, you’ll finally be able to download digital versions of the entire Star Wars film saga. This is the first time that both …
Netflix has sure come a long ways from its humble beginnings as a company that simply made it exceedingly easy to watch DVDs. These days, …
It’s that time of the week again, and BGR is bringing you a roundup of the best new Netflix movies and shows for your streaming pleasure. A lot …
OK Go’s newest music video, filmed in Shanghai, is as much fun to watch as any of the band’s previous video projects. That’s because, no …
We’re just a few days out from the premiere of the fifth season of Game of Thrones on HBO, but before long, the fantasy epic …
The next movie in the Avengers series — Avengers: Age of Ultron — is easily the most hotly anticipated Marvel movie of the year right …
Earlier today, we ran a post that detailed the 10 best movies you can stream on Netflix right now. The list was obviously packed full …
Ahh, Netflix. If there’s a better way to spend $8 a month on entertainment, we haven’t found it. But what good is that gloriously massive …
Because Marvel has already spoiled the entirety of Avengers: Age of Ultron through the countless trailers its released over the past few weeks, the studio …
The Star Wars universe is an amazing source of inspiration for all sorts of tricks and stunts, whether they’re force shields patents or Imperial Speeder …
Starting today, PS4, PS3 and Xperia smartphone and tablet owners will have access to Spotify through the new PlayStation Music app. PlayStation Music will replace the outmoded …
Late last week, we learned that AMC’s Walking Dead spinoff show will be titled Fear the Walking Dead. On Sunday night, AMC showed off the …
It’s that time of the week again, and BGR is bringing you a roundup of the best new Netflix movies and shows for your streaming pleasure. A lot …
There are just a handful of upcoming movies in 2015 that we’re excited about — really, truly excited about. One is Avengers: Age of Ultron, …
Tom Hanks needs no further introductions – he’s one of the best actors out there and I don’t think I’ve ever missed any of his …
If you want to lose weight, spending a week at festivals such as SXSW probably aren’t the best way to get the job done. Jimmy …
After eight seasons on HBO, the Entourage gang is ready for the big screen, five years after the show was canceled. The upcoming movie is …
It’s going to be a long, excruciating wait for the next Star Wars movie, but some very creative fans are doing their best to make this …
During its heyday in the 1990s, The X-Files was one of the most consistently great shows on television. Its deep affection for supernatural conspiracy lore …
Each and every month, we show you all of the new content set to premiere on Netflix the following month, as well as all of …
Christopher Nolan’s Interstellar was an immense success, but in case you didn’t like the ending, you should know Jonathan Nolan had an entirely different concept for …
Tom Cruise is back… again. After hyping it up with a teaser over the weekend, Paramount Pictures released the first trailer for Mission: Impossible – Rogue Nation …
There are now enough digital media players on the market to confuse the average consumer, which is why companies are having to do more than …
Netflix giveth, and Netflix taketh away. Content is removed from Netflix each and every month, but new content is added as well. The problem is …
It’s that time of the week again, and BGR is bringing you a roundup of the best new Netflix movies and shows for your streaming pleasure. A lot …
If you’re a fan of Marvel comics, you probably already know the basic outline of the upcoming Captain America: Civil War, but those of us who aren’t …
Netflix is a blessing and a curse. For a mere $8 a month, you get unlimited access to a vast library of content that can …
I’m pretty sure Marvel could cancel the advertising campaign for Avengers: Age of Ultron and still see record success at the box office in May, …
March has been a ridiculously busy month for Netflix releases, but it doesn’t look like things are slowing down at all in April. Some of …