AI deep-learning models show us how the brain evolved over 320M years
The human brain is one of the most complex structures in nature, but the brain’s origins stretch back hundreds of millions of years. A new …
The human brain is one of the most complex structures in nature, but the brain’s origins stretch back hundreds of millions of years. A new …
The evolution of life on Earth is a highly theorized thing. While there are many theories as to how life came to be on our …
Over 57,000 years ago, a group of Paleolithic humans stood in a cave beneath the French countryside, pressing their fingers against the rock, dragging them …
Once thought as the least evolved of the mammals that roam our world, new research shows that marsupial evolution might actually be further along than …
Humanity is driving evolution on Earth. At least, that’s what a new project involving 287 scientists across 160 cities in 26 different countries has suggested. …
The definition of insanity is doing the same thing repeatedly and expecting a different result. At least, that’s what Einstein used to say. However, a …
Scientists have identified prehistoric stone tools found in Poland as some of the oldest ever discovered in that region. Further, the scientists say the tools …
You probably don’t think twice about chewing, but scientists now say the evolution of chewing could have played a major role in how humans evolved …
We have long debated the origin of mankind. Some believe in God’s creation of man in his own image, while others say that mankind evolved …
Scientists originally believed a fossil found in 2015 to be the missing ‘four-legged snake.’ Now, a new study says that the fossil isn’t a snake …
Scientists have been monitoring the development of a new evolutionary change in humans. More people are being born with an “extra” artery running down their …
A species of flightless bird went extinct over 130,000 years ago but then appeared again after evolution gave it a second chance. The birds evolved …
It’s been millions of years since dinosaurs walked the Earth, but they left plenty of remains behind for us to find. Paleontologists can learn a …
We humans tend to take our ability to chew and swallow for granted, but as mammals we actually have a pretty complicated system of bones …
Modern crocodiles have a reputation as ravenous beasts that crave flesh. While it’s certainly true that crocodiles today are more than happy to feast on …
For scientists studying the history of human evolution, determining when certain changes happened and what may have prompted those changes are very important questions to …
As humans, if we lose a limb or even a tiny digit like a finger or toe we’re left to live out our lives without …
The premise of Jurassic Park was that scientists found a way to use dinosaur DNA to bring long-extinct species back from the dead. The reality …
If you’re sitting on the internet and reading this story instead of doing something more important that you KNOW you should be doing, I have …
When we look back at the fossilized remains of our human ancestors it’s easy to see the resemblance. The prehistoric peoples that roamed the Earth …
For decades, the accepted theory of human migration suggested that Homo sapiens arrived to America around 15,000 years ago, and that they were the very …
Humans have always been endlessly fascinated with our evolutionary history, and discovering a new species of human that once roamed the Earth is certainly cause …
Science tells us that humans evolved from primate ancestors, and that despite the fact that apes still exist, we’re actually just a different branch on …
Although the theory of evolution is widely accepted within the scientific community, it still faces some resistance from religious fundamentalists who want children to learn …