Astronomers just spotted a new ‘Super Earth’ planet that feels a whole lot like home
Humans originated here on planet Earth and, all things considered, it’s a mighty nice place to be, but we won’t be able to stay here …
Humans originated here on planet Earth and, all things considered, it’s a mighty nice place to be, but we won’t be able to stay here …
If you’ve ever dreamed of becoming an astronaut, the thought of accidentally drifting away from the safety of a spacecraft or space station has likely …
Archaeologists have found many, many examples of ancient human ancestors over the past few centuries, and while most of the time the skeletal remains are …
When you think of the International Space Station — that huge floating laboratory cruising through Earth’s atmosphere that has housed dozens of different astronauts and …
We may still be looking for proof that aliens exist, but new research into some very curious ancient tools now reveals that humans were using …
It was just a couple of months ago that archeologists revealed their findings of ancient stone gates in a deserted area of Saudi Arabia. The …
Humanity has still yet to find real, concrete, scientifically-supported evidence of extraterrestrial life. We’ve gotten pretty close, and discovered some chemical markers and other indications …
Scientists studying hard-to-find endangered species are often left with a difficult choice when it comes to locating specimens to research. They can attempt to find …
When NASA builds something, they build it to last. Voyager 1, which was launched way back in late 1977, has been cruising through space now …
It’s been a rough couple of decades for Pluto. After over a decade of discussion about whether or not it should be considered a planet, …
Planet Earth is teeming with interesting creatures of all shapes and sizes, but life on our little blue marble wasn’t always so diverse. Science tells …
With the incredible number of galaxies that mankind can observe from its tiny little perch here in the Milky Way, we know there are an …
If you were a small-to-medium-sized creature during the ancient Jurassic or Cretaceous periods, you definitely wouldn’t have wanted the shadow of a pterosaur to appear …
To say that 2017 has been weird would be a huge understatement. It’s been a year packed with political unrest, tech gaffes and security breaches, …
There are interesting skywatching events every year, but 2017 has been particularly generous, with the eclipse drawing millions to peer skyward and plenty of cool …
When a patient is suffering a life-threatening condition and is rushed to the hospital, doctors are supposed to do everything in their power to save …
It doesn’t matter how hard of a worker you are or how much you adore your job, sometimes we all just need a day off. …
Amusement parks are supposed to be a fun break from sweaty summer days, letting you kick back and enjoy yourself before returning to the real …
Anyone who’s ever been on the receiving end of a glitter-filled birthday card or spent more than an hour in an arts-and-crafts shop knows just …
When news of a newly-studied exoplanet with an atmosphere begins to make headlines it’s typically because the far-off world is potentially Earth-like, teasing the possibility …
Many parts of Earth’s oceans are still largely unexplored, and the deeper you go the more mysteries are waiting to be unlocked. The deepest stretch …
Aside from political bumper stickers — or maybe a big, colorful peace sign on the bumper of a Volkswagen bus — you might not think …
We’re currently experiencing what is probably the best and most evolved period of recorded human civilization, and it’s all possible because of numerous remarkable breakthroughs …
Despite decades of research and hopeful myth hunters attempting to prove that the Bigfoot (Sasquatch, Yeti, or Abominable Snowman, depending on the region) is the …
The prospect of a human colony on Mars has rapidly moved from science fiction to reality in recent years, with space agencies like NASA, ESA, …
Halloween is now weeks back in our rear view mirror, but something just happened in Japan that sounds like the plot of a horror movie. …
In the late 1970s NASA sent a pair of probes on a one-way mission into the depths of space. Voyager 1 and Voyager 2 sent …
Science fiction has taught us to expect our first contact with alien life to be a momentous event, with radio signals from another civilization filling …
It happens to the best of us: There you are, with a months-long stomach ache that you just can’t shake, so you head to the …
If there’s one science fiction weapon that geeks truly long for a real-world representation of more than any other, it has to be the iconic …