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Jonathan Geller

Founder, President & Editor-in-chief

Jonathan S. Geller founded Boy Genius Report, now known as BGR, in 2006. It became the biggest mobile news destination in the world by the end of 2009, and BGR was acquired by leading digital media company PMC in April 2010.

Jonathan is President of BGR Media, LLC., and Editor-in-chief of the BGR website.

What started as a side project at the age of 16, quickly transpired into 24-hour days and nights of sharing exclusive and breaking news about the mobile communications industry. BGR now reaches up to 100 million readers a month through the website, syndication partners, and additional channels.

Articles by Jonathan Geller


RIM's 2011 BlackBerry lineup explained

We broke the news on practically all of RIM’s 2011 BlackBerry smartphones, and even scored some hands-on time with more than a couple of them. …


Samsung Replenish hands-on

We’ve just spent some time with Samsung’s brand new eco-friendly device, the Samsung Replenish. In terms of eco-friendliness, the device is made of up over …


Most popular this week

April 10th – 17th BlackBerry PlayBook review Several sites claim permanent iPhone unlock solution without jailbreak Apple iOS 4.3.2 to fix Verizon iPad 2 connectivity …


BlackBerry PlayBook giveaway!

RIM’s BlackBerry PlayBook is a bold new direction for the company, and we have a brand new multitasking, Flash-browsing, BlackBerry-Messaging tablet to give away to …


Apple confirms white iPhone coming this spring

Apple has confirmed that the white iPhone 4 will be available this spring to The Wall Street Journal, adding onto Bloomberg‘s report from yesterday. We’re …


BlackBerry PlayBook review

The BlackBerry PlayBook isn’t just the first tablet out of Research In Motion — it’s the first product to emerge from the company’s new do-or-die …


Sprint Kyocera Echo review

Sprint’s Kyocera Echo is a brand new concept in the mobile space. It’s innovative, and it’s bold. Using two displays that connect together to form …


HTC Sensation 4G hands-on!

HTC just announced their latest handset, the HTC Sensation 4G, and we had a chance to get up close and personal with it a little …


Most popular this week

April 3rd – 10th BlackBerry Bold Touch hands-on! Apple to release iOS 4.3.2 in the next two weeks Supposed iPhone 5 images reveal larger display, …


BlackBerry Torch 2 hands-on!

We’re not done, folks! In addition to getting some hands-on time with the BlackBerry Touch (Monaco / Monza) and the BlackBerry Bold Touch, we’re back …


BlackBerry Bold Touch hands-on!

What, you thought we were stopping with our exclusive hands-on with the BlackBerry Touch (Monaco / Monza)? Not at all, we’re back at it with …


Sprint Novatel 3G/4G MiFi paws-on!

Sprint was nice enough to shoot us over its brand new Sprint Novatel 3G/4G MiFi, and while we saw it at CES, there’s just nothing like getting …