A 5-second fix might make your Chrome browser much smoother
Google’s Chrome web browser is the most popular third-party browser in the world by far, having surpassed Firefox long ago. In fact, each passing month …
Google’s Chrome web browser is the most popular third-party browser in the world by far, having surpassed Firefox long ago. In fact, each passing month …
From a number of different angles, Twitter seems to be plagued by problems. Not only is the company having a tough time attracting new users, …
Apple fans, we’re finishing this week off with a bang. We’ve had four consecutive days of solid paid iPhone and iPad apps on sale for free, and now we’re finishing …
Remember when Tim Cook back in 2012 vowed to “double down” on product secrecy? Well, things in that regard haven’t exactly gone as planned. Sure, …
A few days ago, hacker collective Anonymous declared a “total war” on Republican front-runner Donald Trump, and it looks like the group may have already gained access …
When it comes to making significant positive changes in your life, there’s only one thing that can make any effort a success: willpower. The simple fact …
This week, Sony took the stage at GDC 2016 to announce the price and release window for its PlayStation VR headset. At $399, it’s easily …
Apple will unveil a new iPhone in a few days, making it the first time in a long tim the company releases a new phone this …
Unless you live in the Northeast where for some unholy reason it’s going to snow again despite the fact that the temperature climbed up into the …
As much as we’re sure your friend wants to decipher a string of 17 emoji that represents your feelings after a day spent shopping for pants at the …
Apple’s legal wrangling with the FBI over mobile encryption continues to play out in dramatic fashion. On one hand, we have the DOJ going so …
The Apple vs. FBI war is far from over, with Apple CEO Tim Cook having explained – once again – in an extensive interview with …
Fans of Portal and Half-Life can start getting excited: Movies based on these iconic PC games are in the making. J.J. Abrams confirmed as much in an …
For a long time, the Internet has been alternately fascinated and frightened by the creations of Boston Dynamics, a robotics firm that Google bought back …
Harvard Law professor Susan Crawford recently laid out her opinion on Apple’s ongoing legal battle with the FBI, and in doing so, laid a legal …
New “bullets” for military railguns, which could strike enemy targets traveling at a whopping six times the speed of sound, are being tested. Electromagnetic railguns …
Doughy Republican frontrunner Donald Trump has run an unconventional campaign to say the least. From making fun of disabled reporters, to insulting John McCain’s war …
Last month, following what seemed like years of speculation, Twitter finally launched its new algorithmic feed. It was turned off by default, but that didn’t …
It’s pretty sad that Microsoft had to take matters into its own hands and start building its own computers in order to light a fire …
Policy isn’t Donald Trump’s strong suit, but he sure does know how to rile up a crowd. And that’s exactly what he tried to do …
Living in the connected future, software is never broken for long. If you buy a program or an app or a video game that doesn’t …
If you’re worried that artificial intelligence will take over the world now that computers are powerful enough to outsmart humans at incredibly complex games, then you’re …
Instead of kicking and screaming over the fact that Apple is almost definitely planning to remove the standard 1/8-inch audio jack from its next-generation iPhone 7, …
I’ve seen a lot of tragicomic Comcast customer service disaster stories over the years, which isn’t surprising considering America’s favorite cable company generates more FCC …
Kevin Hart was hilarious in the Ride Along movies. In fact, Ride Along 2 was so well received at the Box Office that it managed …
Dag Kittlaus, one of the co-founders of Siri, didn’t stay in Cupertino for too long following Apple’s $200 million acquisition of Siri back in 2010. …
It’s Thursday, March 17th, and for college basketball fans that means one thing: March Madness. But for college basketball fans who also happen to be Dish Network subscribers, …
When Robert Downey Jr. took the lead role in Iron Man in 2008, he became inseparable from the character almost over night. Mike Myers as Austin Powers, Keanu …
The truth is out there… but can Google Maps find it? In this case, we’re looking at a Millennium Falcon-like UFO that an Internet user found …
Always looking to push the technological envelope, the U.S. army is working on a new and innovative technology designed to shield radar emissions from detection. …