Groundbreaking new studies suggest the presence of a fourth dimension
We live in a three-dimensional reality. Because of that, it’s pretty hard to imagine what a four-dimensional reality might be like, but that isn’t stopping …
We live in a three-dimensional reality. Because of that, it’s pretty hard to imagine what a four-dimensional reality might be like, but that isn’t stopping …
Hollywood has had a love affair with pirates for a long, long time, but no matter how many swashbuckling tales you’ve seen on the silver …
As the Earth’s largest chunks of ice continue to get smaller and smaller, sea levels have risen. All that melting ice has to go somewhere, …
NASA’s Juno spacecraft has been hanging around Jupiter for a while now, sending back some of the most jaw-dropping photos that mankind has ever captured, …
If you’re one of the many casual science observers hoping that mankind will one day discover evidence that life once thrived on Mars, 2017 was …
Prosthetics have improved my leaps and bounds over the past century and we’ve reached a point where someone with an artificial limb is often just …
It wasn’t until the late 1980s that the world finally came to terms with the fact that manmade chemicals were destroying the Earth’s ozone layer. …
We often think of robots as superior to ourselves, but when it comes to the abilities afforded us by our muscles, robots have a hard …
We’re still in the very earliest days of January which means lots of folks are currently rocking New Year’s resolutions to avoid junk food and …
Coral reefs are among the ocean’s most wondrous achievements. Like a massive mega-city made up of microorganisms, these diverse ecosystems provide shelter for many different …
For a far-off star, KIC 8462852 sure has been getting a lot of attention recently. Earlier this year the star — which has been nicknamed “Tabby’s …
We humans like to think of ourselves as the masters of design but sometimes Mother Nature shows us that we’re really just amateurs. That’s exactly …
The long-buried remains of an infant girl are helping to rewrite what archaeologists know about the initial migration of humans to North America. The discovery, …
Tornados can be absolutely devastating forces of nature, especially when they materialize over a populated area with little warning, but the destruction they bring often …
From deadly hurricanes to sweeping and bitter cold fronts, many areas across the U.S. in recent months experienced some of the most extreme weather conditions …
It’s often pretty easy to tell when a person is sick — a loud cough and runny nose are good indicators — but sometimes the …
In case you haven’t noticed, Silicon Valley is obsessed with health, or at least the appearance of health. You can see evidence of it just …
For people who have chosen not to eat meat or animal products for ethical reasons, one of the biggest arguments against the practice is that …
Drones might be causing privacy concerns in the United States and Europe, but in the East African country of Rwanda, they are a welcome sight …
Niagara Falls is an incredibly popular tourist destination for one reason and one reason alone: it’s neat to look at. The falls are a sight …
If you don’t think that the troubling trend of global warming could impact your sweet tooth, think again. Farmers of the cacao plant — responsible …
Archaeologists often have to walk a very thin line between studying historical artifacts and preserving them in as pristine of condition as possible. For researchers …
With the number of bogus remedies and treatments floating around, claiming to provide relief for various ailments, the FDA really has its work cut out …
The tail end of 2017 was packed with interesting asteroid sightings and near-misses that gave skywatchers a reason to look up, but the biggest threat …
Humans have a really strange habit of not believing that what they do can have a longterm effect on the Earth. You can find examples …
The holidays are all about happy surprises, and paleontologists got one heck of a shock earlier this week after learning about an unexpected discovery in …
Saturn is an incredibly interesting planet for a number of reasons, not least of which is its iconic rings, but one of its many moons …
New Year’s Eve often prompts people to gaze into the sky, whether it be for a fireworks display or simply to watch the big ball …
Hey, so, remember earlier this week when the city of Erie, Pennsylvania, got completely slammed with the worst winter storm of the season thus far? …
Tiny space rocks fly past Earth all the time, but it’s rare that a potential planet-killer makes an appearance in our neck of the woods. …