At long last, Apple TV+ has debuted the much-anticipated third season of its breakout hit Ted Lasso, the irrepressibly optimistic and feel-good series about a small-town soccer coach from Kansas who’s hired to coach a professional English football club.
With Lasso star Jason Sudeikis as the showrunner this time around, the iPhone maker’s streamer dropped the first episode of its third and final season early, on Tuesday, to the delight of fans (and critics, for that matter, who’ve already given the new season a stellar 93% score on Rotten Tomatoes).
After watching the batch of episodes that Apple made available to the press to screen early, I can also confirm that all of your favorite Lasso-ian ingredients are present and accounted for in the new season — from Ted’s folksy aphorisms to Roy Kent’s surprisingly endearing cantankerousness, the bond between Keeley and Rebecca, and a general desire among not only AFC Richmond but everyone on and off the pitch to figure out how to live well and be the best versions of themselves.
Ted Lasso quotes to live by
Furthermore, it’s pretty remarkable to see the extent to which the show has taken on a life of its own, from podcasts to a never-ending flood of social media commentary, memes, and posts from fans who’ve rallied around it as an island of positivity amid a streaming landscape dominated by anything but.
That thought, in fact, got me thinking about assembling some of my favorite quotes from the series over its prior seasons, a task that’s harder than you’d think, given how many memorable quips originate not just from Ted but everyone on this Apple gem.
That said, these 9 quotes below from Ted Lasso himself are, I think, some of the best, most inspirational, and will ring true to anyone who’s fully embraced the motto of Richmond ‘Till We Die. Without further ado, we now present some of the assorted wisdom and witticisms of the greatest fictional American Premier League coach:
- “I think things come into our lives to help us get from one place to a better one.”
- “Guys have underestimated me my entire life. And for years, I never understood why. It used to really bother me. But then one day, I was driving my little boy to school, and I saw this quote by Walt Whitman, and it was painted on the wall there. It said, ‘Be curious, not judgmental.’ I like that.”
- “Jamie, I think that you might be so sure that you’re one in a million, that sometimes you forget that out there, you’re just 1 of 11. And if you just figure out some way to turn that ‘me’ into ‘us’ … the sky’s the limit for you.”
- “You know what the happiest animal on Earth is? It’s a goldfish. Y’know why? It’s got a 10-second memory. Be a goldfish.”
- “I believe in Communism. Rom-communism, that is. If Tom Hanks and Meg Ryan can go through some heartfelt struggles and still end up happy, then so can we.”
- When Ted is asked whether or not he believes in ghosts: “I do. But more importantly, I think they need to believe in themselves. You know?”
- “I do love a locker room. It smells like potential.”
- “I think that if you care about someone and you got a little love in your heart, there ain’t nothing you can’t get through together.”
- “So I’ve been hearing this phrase y’all got over here that I ain’t too crazy about. ‘It’s the hope that kills you.’ Y’all know that? I disagree, you know? I think it’s the lack of hope that comes and gets you. See, I believe in hope. I believe in belief. Now, where I’m from, we got a saying too, yeah? A question, actually. “Do you believe in miracles?”