Samsung’s got a lot of work to do in the wake of the Galaxy Note 7 disaster. Among other things, the company has to refund people who bought the Note 7 — or offer them exchange phones through its carrier partners, assuming customers decide to stay with Samsung after shipping their faulty phablets. Furthermore, the Korean giant is left without a new flagship phone in stores this Christmas, although it technically has two hot 2016 handsets that Android fans could still consider: The Galaxy S7 and Galaxy S7 edge.
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According to a report from The Korea Herald, Samsung now plans to increase Galaxy S7 production to make up for losses resulting from the Note 7 recall and ensuring cancellation.
“Samsung is planning to put more focus on the Galaxy S7 by ramping up production of the handset,” a source told the paper, adding that Samsung is looking to minimize the anticipated drop in profits. Samsung has apparently already notified suppliers to ramp up production for the Galaxy S7.
“We will put more weight on rolling out parts for the Galaxy S7 and other models such as the Galaxy A8,” an official from a Samsung supplier reportedly said. The person added that his company will also try to focus on the Galaxy S8, the next flagship that’s supposed to come out in February or March next year.
A different source also said that Samsung has not given “any notices whatsoever about the plan to push forward the launch date” of the Galaxy S8, in spite of what some rumors have claimed. “The rescheduling would be possible only if Samsung ceases production of the Note 7 for good and takes no further measures to salvage the handset,” the unnamed source said.
Samsung’s suppliers that were making Galaxy Note 7 parts also expect their earnings to take a hit in the fourth quarter