If you use Lyft to get around town on a regular basis, you might be able to take advantage of a new pilot program that lets heavy users of the service sign up for a monthly subscription service. Put simply, imagine Netflix for ridesharing.
According to The Verge, Lyft’s subscription service began popping up as an option for some users late last week. As far as the details go surrounding payment, users willing to pay $200 per month can receive upwards of 30 rides, an offer which breaks down to about $6.66 per ride. All in all, that’s a pretty good deal assuming that you’re not prone to using Lyft Line which can sometimes be as cheap as $3.50 per ride. Other riders, meanwhile, are being offered 7 rides in exchange for an upfront payment of $50.
There are of course some limitations to the offer. The individual “free” rides have a monetary limit of $15. And while details are still hazy, we’d imagine that users would be on the hook for any ride in excess of the $15 threshold.
Lyft CEO Logan Green announced the company’s fledgling subscription plan at a recent event touting Lyft’s new partnership with Magna, the largest auto parts supplier in North America.
“We are going to move the entire industry from one based on ownership to one based on subscription,” Green said at the event.
A Lyft statement on the matter reads: “We’re always testing new ways to provide passengers the most affordable and flexible transportation options. For the past few months, we’ve been testing a variety of All-Access Plans for Lyft passengers.”
An all-access plan is certainly not for everyone, but it’s certainly an intriguing offer for heavy users.