If you’re looking for all of your BGR news in one place, there’s a new way to get it. BGR has partnered with Microsoft Bing for a Google Chrome extension called BGR News & Search. Using this new extension, you’ll be able to read the latest tech news, daily deals coverage, and expert product reviews from BGR’s trusted team of journalists and product reviewers.
The BGR Google Chrome extension delivers all the guides, reviews, news, findings, deals, and more BGR content.
BGR News & Search brings the latest stories right to your browser when you open up a new tab. It uses Microsoft Bing to surface curated stories from BGR in your search results. That guarantees you’ll see the latest BGR stories related to any topic you search for.
BGR extension on Google Chrome
The BGR News & Search Google Chrome extension, provided by Microsoft Bing, is simple to download. All you’ll need to do is visit this link on your Chrome browser. At the top right, clicking “Add to Chrome” sets it up for your use.
This will let you display your customized BGR feed anytime you open a new tab. Microsoft Bing will be set as your default search engine in order to bring relevant BGR content to you whenever you’re surfing the web.
Quick links that deliver your news

There are quick links that will send you straight to the news that you’re looking for on BGR. Your favorite BGR sections, including News, Deals, Tech, Reviews, and Guides are also displayed, allowing you to go right to those pages on BGR for the latest content.
Getting the feed you want and the news you need is always just a few clicks away. And, downloading the extension is quick and easy. So that’s a guarantee that you don’t miss any great BGR content with the new Google Chrome extension, powered by Microsoft Bing.
We’re really excited to be able to bring this extension and features to our loyal audience, and to have BGR’s tech, entertainment, and science coverage be a continued part of your browsing.