An ‘alien visitor’ might have warped our solar system, study claims
Billions of years ago, while the solar system was still young, a massive object may have drifted into it. It’s not a spaceship, but it …
Billions of years ago, while the solar system was still young, a massive object may have drifted into it. It’s not a spaceship, but it …
Six of our solar system’s eight planets will soon be visible as a straight line in the night sky. This rare planetary alignment is expected …
New research into Uranus and Neptune has revealed some striking information. Much about these two ice giants is still unknown, with missions to explore them …
In 2020, astronomers discovered an intriguing planet. Dubbed LTT9779 b, the planet was found 260 light-years from Earth, orbiting extremely close to its star. However, …
After more than a decade of observations, Northwestern University astrophysicist Jason Wang has constructed an amazing time-lapse video of four planets larger than Jupiter as …
It has been an excellent year for astronomers. Not only did we get the first images from James Webb, but the space telescope also managed …
Scientists have been trying to understand more about our solar system and the way it formed for decades. For a long time, many believed that …
New research published in the Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society has given us a glimpse at the remnants of the oldest known solar …
The hunt for alien worlds is more difficult than it may seem. Without the ability to travel through the cosmos, we’re left to look through …
Neptune is located almost 2.8 billion miles from the Sun. As such, the planet is known for its exceptionally long orbit time. In fact, its …
Astronomers believe they have discovered a new world orbiting Proxima Centauri. Proxima Centauri is the closest star to our Solar System. It’s located roughly 4 …
The Moon’s orbit will bring it in line with Jupiter on Thursday evening. But you’re only going to get one chance to see it this …
Neptune, the frigid world that lives past Saturn and Uranus, has been known to host large storms in its atmosphere. Recent observations of a “dark …
Scientists have spent an incredible amount of manpower attempting to determine what conditions support life, and why Earth is so perfect for living things. Now, …
High winds have carved interesting shapes into the Martian south pole, including what appears to be an angel and a massive red heart. Images of …
A new study that modeled Uranus and its magnetosphere suggest that, when the planet is at the correct angle, solars winds can enter the magnetosphere …
Researchers have spotted a planet orbiting a white dwarf star just 80 light-years from Earth. White dwarf stars don’t typically have planets orbiting them due …
Researchers theorize that, under the right conditions, carbon-rich exoplanets could generate huge quantities of diamonds beneath their surface. The recipe including heat, pressure, carbon, water, …
Astronomers have spotted a new gas giant exoplanet that formed roughly 160 million years ago and is now glowing pink. The big pink planet is …
The remains of a gas giant were spotted orbiting a nearby star, astronomers reveal. The core of the planet is all that remains, but researchers …
NASA’s Mars 2020 mission will attempt to answer a number of questions about the Red Planet, and one of the most pressing is the search …
In our solar system, each planet has a reasonably well-defined and mostly circular path that it follows around the Sun. This, astronomers think, is true …
One of the internet’s favorite topics of debate, at least when it comes to astronomy, is whether or not Pluto should be considered a planet. …
Jupiter has long been hailed as the mighty “king of planets” thanks to its massive size compared to most of the other planets in our …
New exoplanet discoveries have been popping up with increasing regularity in recent years thanks to technological advances that allow scientists to spot evidence of their …
Of all the moons in our solar system, the Martian moon of Phobos might be the most interesting. It’s not a near-perfect sphere like most …
Jupiter is the largest planet in our Solar System, and the competition really isn’t even close. It’s an absolutely massive planet and it helped define …