Marvel is ending the year with a bang, delivering two Avengers stories fans have been dying to see. One of them is the highly anticipated Spider-Man: No Way Home that’s seeing crazy presales right now. The other is Hawkeye which premiered last week on Disney Plus. Episode 3 is now available for streaming, and it delivers several remarkable developments. One of them is a huge cameo teaser that practically confirms that a similarly big No Way Home cameo is real. Before we can get into it, we’ll advise you that big spoilers follow below. So make sure you watch Hawkeye episode 3 before you get into it.
The big Hawkeye cameo
We’ve been telling you for a few months that rumors say that we’ll get a fantastic cameo in Hawkeye. Just last week, fresh leaks said that a big cameo would drop in the post-credits scenes of episode 4. Separately, Hawkeye director and producer Rhys Thomas teased the finale would deliver something big.
We speculated at the time that all these Hawkeye rumors and teasers might point to the same big cameo. We’d probably see Vincent D’Onofrio as Wilson Fisk/Kingpin in Hawkeye soon. That’s the cameo that had fans talking for months, especially considering the obvious No Way Home connection. That is, Daredevil (Charlie Cox) will appear in the next Spider-Man movie.
But you don’t have to wait until next week to see the beloved villain in the MCU. That’s because episode 3 gives us a partial look at Kingpin very early in the episode.
The newest Hawkeye delivers an extensive flashback scene before picking up the action from where we left off in episode 2. We get to see young Maya in 2007 struggling to fit in as a deaf but gifted kid. We’re introduced to her loving father (Zahn McClarnon), who seems ready to do anything for her. Five minutes into episode 3, her dad tells the girl that her “uncle” will take her home after her karate class.
That’s when we hear the footsteps, and we see the black suit of what appears to be a large man. We then get a chuckle out of that uncle as he pinches her cheek.

The other clues in episode 3
Marvel doesn’t show us the face of that man, but that laughter is unmistakable. That’s D’Onofrio, which means we’re looking at the MCU’s Kingpin. As a reminder, Netflix’s Daredevil isn’t part of the MCU, as Marvel wants to give the show a soft reboot. That means it plans to keep the characters in place, and they’ll probably feel so familiar to audiences. It’s all thanks to the multiverse.
If you’re unconvinced that’s a Fisk cameo in that scene, Marvel drops additional teasers in the Hawkeye episode 3, which reinforces the idea that we just saw Kingpin for the first time.
Kazi (Fra Fee) signs to Maya (Alaqua Cox) that he hopes “Uncle” won’t find out about what had just happened. Separately, Clint Barton (Jeremy Renner) explains to Kate Bishop (Hailee Steinfeld) that the Tracksuit mafia started small, but they kept growing. Especially the guy at the top, who will do anything to expand the operation. That someone above Maya is someone Kate will not want to mess with.
We already know that Maya will appear in her own

What it means for No Way Home
Considering everything that happened so far, it makes sense to assume that Kingpin will cameo again in one of the remaining Hawkeye episodes. That post-credits scene at the end of episode 4 is still a fitting place for the villain.
Once we see his face, there will be no question about it. If Kingpin is shown in the MCU, then Daredevil should be close behind. And it so happens that Matt Murdock, aka Daredevil, is rumored to cameo in Spider-Man: No Way Home. We even saw an image from the film that seemed to confirm Charlie Cox’s presence. That said, we don’t expect to see a Daredevil cameo in Hawkeye.
We’ll also note that Marvel’s Hawkeye scheduling isn’t an accident. The TV shows had to premiere on Disney Plus before No Way Home hit theaters for a reason. Older rumors claimed that the two projects shot scenes at the same location. The same goes for the now-delayed Ms. Marvel. Fans have speculated ever since that scene might connect the three projects.
It’s too early to tell whether Kingpin is involved in that scene. For the time being, what matters is that Hawkeye episode 3 is the moment that marks the official Daredevil teaser for the MCU. And it practically confirms all those No Way Home Charlie Cox cameo rumors were accurate.