Stop laboring to yank out every single weed in your garden by hand. Solve your problem and get the picturesque lawn you want with any of these preventive weed killers. Give your lawn that professional landscaped look every day by getting rid of ugly crab grass and overgrown weeds. Nobody needs to be bending for hours with gloves on, trying to pull and get each root. Keep your property tamed by using these weed killers near your fence or driveway. Take a look at these weed killing products we’ve highlighted and be on your way to a healthier yard.
Grass care can be pricey
Roundup has name recognition in the industry and its Weed and Grass Killer Concentrate Plus lives up to the standards. It is guaranteed to kill your toughest weeds and grasses or you’ll get your money back. Meant to be used in a tank sprayer, it is rainproof for up to 30 minutes. It can be used around flowers, shrubs, and trees, as well as near patios, driveways, walkways, and fences. It’s perfect for large areas or starting a new foundation as you get ready to grow your own garden or lawn. You’ll see visible results in 12 hours. It is not to be used around existing foods and edibles.
Key Features:
- Meant to be used in a tank sprayer
- Visible results in 12 hours
- Rainproof for up to 30 minutes

Don’t worry about your garden
Containing 41% glyphosate, Compare-N-Save Concentrate Grass and Weed Killer mixes easily with water, allowing you to use it quickly and efficiently. All you need is to measure out three tablespoons and mix it with a gallon of water to cover up to 300 square feet. Best results can be seen on warm, sunny days and results will be noticeable in two to four days. Glyphosate won’t prevent new or future growth, but it can be sprayed near edibles and foods for safe use. It kills weeds and grass to the root, as the glyphosate is absorbed through the foliage.
Key Features:
- Only measure out three tablespoons
- It can be sprayed near edibles and food
- Contains 41% glyphosate

Cover more area
For large coverage, the RM43 Total Vegetation Control is what you need. It kills weeds and grasses for up to a year and also prevents new growth for up to a year, which is more than a lot of weed killers. Made from glyphosate and imazapyr, this is perfect for barns, farm buildings, fences, and fields. The entire gallon bottle can treat up to 17,297 square feet. The solution is to be applied where there are no plans of vegetation growth. It is not meant to be sprayed over the root systems of desirable plants.
Key Features:
- Solution is to be applied where there are no plans for vegetation
- Prevents new growth for up to a year
- The bottle treats up to 17,297 square feet

Spray it on simply
The Green Gobbler 20% Vinegar Weed & Grass Killer comes in a one-gallon bottle. This will kill weeds and grass quickly and they’ll be gone in a matter of hours. It is safe to use anywhere and comes with a trigger spray bottle attachment that spreads the formula more effectively. It is glyphosate-free and is four times stronger than traditional table vinegar. It is made strictly from ethanol distilled from corn grain. This completely eliminates and desiccates weeds and grasses without using any toxic chemicals. It’s great to use on crabgrass, dandelions, clover weeds, white clover, moss, and more. This can even be used inside.
Key Features:
- Glyphosate-free
- Trigger spray bottle attachment
- Completely eliminates weeds and grasses

Don’t run out
The Ortho Groundclear Weed & Grass Killer comes with a refill that’s ready to use. This acts on contact, so you’ll see results in 15 minutes. It works on all types of weeds and grasses and is OMRI listed. You can apply it directly to walkways, driveways, in landscape beds, and around vegetable gardens. This comes with a trigger sprayer and the backup bottle for when you run out of the first one. The formula is rainproof for two hours upon drying.
Key Features:
- Results will be seen in 15 minutes
- Comes with a trigger sprayer and a backup bottle
- Formula is rainproof for two hours upon drying