So far this week we learned that as many as three beloved Avengers characters might return in Avengers 4 — only one of them is confirmed to appear in the Infinity War sequel next year, and the other two are rumored to return. But that might not be good enough for Avengers fan who want their favorite-and-now-possibly-dead superheroes to come back to life. We’ve covered a lot of ground already when it comes to digging up evidence that proves all those heroes will return to life, and we can now add one more character to the list.
We often refer to her as Scarlet Witch, although nobody calls her that in the movies. Wanda, played by Elizabeth Olsen, is one of the most powerful Avengers. Let’s not forget that, in Infinity War, she simultaneously held off Thanos )even though he was wielding an almost fully equipped Infinity Gauntlet) while she was also destroying Vision’s Mind Stone. That wasn’t enough, however, to defeat the titan, and she was ultimately reduced to ashes like many of her peers.
Well, Wanda is coming back in Avengers 4, folks. We know that thanks to a Twitter account that shared similar details about Avengers 4 reshoots that are currently underway in Atlanta. Check out the following screenshot, via ScreenRant.
We already knew that Pom Klementieff, who plays Mantis, was back in town thanks to a picture Evangeline Lilly (Wasp) took recently — all three of them turned to dust after the snap. And we already knew that both Klementieff and Lilly will return to life in Avengers 4 because they independently confirmed having been on the set together with Brie Larson, who will play Captain Marvel in the movie.
But this is the first time we’ve heard that Olsen is doing reshoots. Now, some will say that’s not proof enough that she’s returning to life. She may appear in flashback scenes or in scenes that involve traveling through time. That’s a valid point. But it’s likely Marvel won’t want to keep Wanda forever, especially considering that
Now, if Wanda does return to life, as we all expect her to, it’s very likely that Vision will be resurrected as well because Wanda and Vision’s arcs are intertwined. It also so happens that Olsen just appeared in one of Wired’s hilarious “Autocomplete Interview” clips. And, of course, one of the top questions asks if Olsen is in Avengers 4. She did not answer the question with words. Yes, that image above is a screenshot from the video, which follows below — the Avengers 4 bit starts around the 2:07-minute mark:
With all that in mind, Avengers fans, it sure looks like Wanda will appear in Avengers 4. And I bet she’ll be alive by the time the credits start rolling.