As pretty much everyone who owns a PlayStation 4 is well aware, discounts on PlayStation Plus membership are few and far between. That’s why you have to just at the opportunity to save some money whenever possible, and Amazon is running a rare sale right now that you should definitely check out. PlayStation Plus 12 Month Membership Digital Codes are typically $60, but you can get them right now for $49.99 each. And remember, they’re stackable so you can get a bunch and add however many years you want to your PS Plus membership. After all, you’re not abandoning the PS ecosystem anytime soon, considering the PlayStation 5 comes out next year!

Here’s some important info from the product page:
- 12 Months – Play All Year Long
- Enables online multiplayer on PS4, so you can play games online with friends
- FREE PlayStation 4 games every month
- Access to exclusive PlayStation Store sales and discounts