Telegram is now rolling out its first update of 2023 with ten new features. Free users can take advantage of some of them, while other functions will be exclusive to those who subscribe to the app. Here they are.
Profile Picture Maker: This lets you quickly turn any sticker or animated emoji into a profile picture for your accounts, groups, or channels.
Emoji Categories: Stickers and emojis are now sorted by categories in the panel. It’s also worth choosing reactions or statuses.
Network Usage: You can see how much data has been used by Telegram with detailed pie charts for Wi-Fi and mobile data. With that, you can adjust your auto-download settings to suit your data plan.
Auto-Save Incoming Media: You can control when media is saved automatically to your gallery based on its size, type, and which chat it was received from. The menu also supports exceptions, so you can only save exactly what you want.
Granular Media Permissions: Admins can choose whether group members can send nine distinct media types. They can also disable text messages to create media-only groups.
Chat Selection for Bots: Bot developers can add special buttons which help users select groups, channels, or people that meet predefined criteria.
Re-Login with Apple and Google ID: Logged-out users can quickly log back in using their Apple or Google ID without entering an SMS code if they don’t have a 2-step verification password.
New Custom Emoji: Telegram also brought ten new packs of custom emoji from the company’s artists
New Interactive Emoji: Telegram’s animators added a new interactive version of some emojis. You have to send them in 1-of-1 chats to see the animations.
Exclusive features for Telegram subscribers
Premium users can now translate entire chats, groups, and channels in real-time by tapping the Translate bar at the top. The options menu lets you hide the bar and control which languages are translated. In addition, all users can translate individual messages by selecting them and tapping Translate.
Last but not least, users can save up to 40% on their Telegram Premium subscription by pre-paying for a year of exclusive features.
Telegram is rolling out the latest update to iOS and Android users for free.