Doughy Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump was the consensus favorite based on the polls to win in Iowa on Monday evening, but instead he badly underperformed his polling averages and wound up getting schlonged by Texas Senator Ted Cruz. This was embarrassing for The Donald, who initially struck a gracious tone after his humbling defeat at the hands of a man that he recently said “nobody likes.”
However, this sense of humility was not to last as Trump took to Twitter late Tuesday morning to cast blame on the media and even the voters for his loss.
RELATED: The Internet celebrates Trump’s humiliating Iowa loss
It all started off reasonably enough, with Trump saying he was happy to finish in second place even though assorted “experts” had said he’d never do well there. In reality, of course, the experts believed that he’d carry the state:
But then he couldn’t leave well enough alone and started making excuses about how he spent “very little” money in Iowa compared to Cruz and Rubio:
After this, the whining truly started. Despite getting more media coverage than any other candidate by a country mile, Trump whined that the media wasn’t giving him enough credit for his supposedly amazing second-place finish:
And then came the pièce de résistance in which Trump blamed the voters of Iowa themselves for his defeat and said campaigning for their votes just wasn’t worth his investment:
If there’s one thing I know for certain from observing American politics for the past 36 years, it’s that blaming the voters is the worst losing strategy any candidate can pursue. But hey, what would you expect from the Iowa caucus’s biggest loser?