If you want a jet black iPhone 7 Plus before Christmas, you’d better order it now
Today is October 21st, and it has now been a month and a week since Apple first released its new iPhone 7 and iPhone 7 …
Today is October 21st, and it has now been a month and a week since Apple first released its new iPhone 7 and iPhone 7 …
Samsung’s Galaxy Note 7 may be toast — literally and figuratively — but Android fans have a new pair of flagship phones to lust after this …
Whatever the technical deficiency behind exploding Galaxy Note 7 devices was, Samsung still hasn’t been able to figure it out. Indeed, Samsung’s inability to pinpoint …
If you listened to the pundits and armchair analysts, you’d be forgiven for thinking that the iPhone 7 was going to be a boring upgrade, …
Google’s new Pixel and Pixel XL smartphones were released on Thursday and diehard Android fans were excited. In fact, unlike Nexus phones from Google, the …
For the first time this year, Apple went with two different providers of cellular modems in the iPhone 7 and 7 Plus. Some phones have …
The Galaxy Note 7 has harmed people and caused tens, perhaps even hundreds of thousands of dollars of damage to users’ property. It burned furniture, …
Welcome to the post-Galaxy Note 7 world, where every exploding smartphone instantly makes the news. An iPhone 7 owner appears to be the latest victim, …
After adding a new rose gold color to its iPhone lineup just last year, Apple came back with not one but two brand new colors …
You can spend anywhere from $650 to nearly $1,000 on an iPhone that’s “water-resistant,” or you can spend $50 on an unlocked cell phone that …
Samsung’s recall and subsequent discontinuation of its Galaxy Note 7 will likely have far-reaching implications for the company’s vaunted mobile division. From a financial perspective, the …
If a deal on a Lightning cable on Amazon seems too good to be true, it probably is. Patently Apple reports that Apple filed a $2 million trademark …
Earlier today, the FCC reached a $48 million settlement with T-Mobile over its abuse of the word “unlimited.” The FCC found that T-Mobile was throttling …
There’s two separate wars in the smartphone market today. On one side, you have big brand names fighting to sell expensive smartphones to customers, still largely …
There has been a somewhat sad irony in the smartphone market over the past few years. Android device vendors initially had some trouble competing with …
Although the iPhone 7 wasn’t as excited a departure as many smartphone junkies had hoped it might be, reviews proved it was still one of the …
In 2013, Microsoft paid the NFL $400 million for a 5-year deal to equip NFL teams with Surface tablets. And leaving no room for Apple’s …
As of last Friday, Samsung’s Galaxy Note 7 smartphone is officially banned from all United States airlines. Even if the phone is uncharged and turned off, you …
There’s a bad trend going around the mobile industry right now of describing a plan as “unlimited”, and then going to specify three paragraphs of …
Just one year after adding a stylish new rose gold color to its iPhone lineup, Apple in September released the iPhone 7 and iPhone 7 Plus …
In the wake of the Galaxy Note 7 fiasco, and with a lot riding on the Galaxy S8, Samsung is trying to crack down on …
Apple’s new iPhone 7 and iPhone 7 Plus have been out for just over a month, and millions upon millions of people across the country …
The reviews are in and to say opinions are split could be the understatement of the year. Most smartphones see first-run reviews that are generally …
Thanks to Apple’s decision to remove the 3.5mm headphone jack, the iPhone 7 is without question the most water-resistant iPhone ever released. Armed with an …
With the Galaxy Note 7 finally dead, millions of smartphone owners are faced with a dilemma: which smartphone do they choose now that their phone has been …
Take a few moments before reading this post to check out iStockNow, the third-party iPhone 7 and iPhone 7 Plus inventory tracker that shows you …
One of the bigger design changes Apple introduced with the iPhone 7 was a completely redesigned home button. Whereas previous iPhone home buttons were strictly mechanical, the …
In the wake of Samsung officially axing Galaxy Note 7 production last week, the FAA this past Friday banned all Note 7 devices from U.S. …
Samsung last week officially discontinued the Galaxy Note 7 following reports that even replacement units were prone to catching fire and exploding. Compounding matters is …
One of the crazier things about Samsung’s Galaxy Note 7, you know, aside from the fact that it was prone to spontaneously catch on fire …