In the race to beat each others’ specs, phone manufacturers are packing their devices’ cameras with as many pixels as possible. Nokia’s Lumia 1020 exemplified this trend with its 41-megapixel camera. And yesterday, it looked like Oppo would top this with the 50-megapixel camera in its Find 7, although it turns out that it is actually a 13-megapixel camera that mashes together four successive pictures.
Apple has ignored this trend lately, though. Since the iPhone 4S, the iPhone’s camera has taken 8-megapixel pictures, and at the iPhone 5s’s introduction, Apple emphasized that it was focusing on better rather than bigger pictures. Instead of adding megapixels, the iPhone 5s’s camera features larger pixels with better sensors and a faster f/2.2 lens.
According to AppleInsider’s sources, Apple plans to continue this course, even as other most other phone manufacturers add 13-megapixel and larger cameras to their phones. AppleInsider would not say whether this meant the iPhone 6 would stick with an 8-megapixel camera.