Thor: Love and Thunder opens on Friday, with some previews happening as early as Wednesday. Thor (Chris Hemsworth) fans will undoubtedly storm theaters, with current estimates of a massive $300 million box office take for the film’s opening weekend. But those MCU fans who are dying to know what happens in Love and Thunder and what the film’s ending means for the Thor franchise should know there are plenty of plot leaks floating around right now.
Mind you, some massive spoilers will follow below.
The good news is that all these leaks dropped online after the red carpet premiere. Therefore, after Marvel allowed reviewers to watch the film. Not before, as with Spider-Man: Far From Home and Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness.
Put differently, you won’t be able to run into these plot leaks by accident, as it could have happened in the months that preceded the Far From Home release.
With that in mind, this is your last chance to avoid Love and Thunder ending spoilers before the film premiere. You can read our spoiler-free Thor: Love and Thunder review instead.

Thor: Love and Thunder plot leaked again
We saw a couple of bare-bones Love and Thunder plot leaks in the past few weeks. The explained the gist of the action, offering only the broader strokes of the plot. The two plot leaks that we saw were identical, and included details about the post-credits scenes as well.
Fast-forward to Wednesday, and Fiction Horizon has more Love and Thunder coverage that spoils the entire action and the film’s ending sparing no details.
For example, this Love and Thunder plot coverage tells us that the Guardians only appear in the movie briefly, leaving Thor to figure out what he wants to do with his life. Thor and the Guardians part ways when the God of Thunder learns that Sif (Jaimie Alexander) is in danger, and goes to save her.

We also learn about Gorr the God Butcher’s (Christian Bale) motivation. He lost his daughter despite asking his god to spare her life. Ultimately, Gorr killed that God, Rapu, after discovering the god-killing Necrosword weapon.
It’s Gorr’s minions who attach Asgard on Earth, as Gorr wants Thor’s Stormbreaker. That’s where Thor meets Jane (Natalie Portman). That’s the scene in the trailers where she see her wielding the Mjolnir.
Thor’s old hammer is indeed what’s keeping Jane alive, as she suffers from stage 4 cancer. There is no cure but Mjolnir. However, Mjolnir has a negative effect on her as well, draining her of energy.
This turn of events will have our beloved characters find and face Zeus (Russell Crowe). And Zeus will not want to help them, as he’s also afraid of Gorr’s weapon.
Thor, Jane, and Valkyrie fight Gorr in the Shadow Realm, but the villain wins, taking Stormbreaker in the process.
The ending explained
As previous plot leaks indicated, the Love and Thunder ending will not be a perfectly happy one. There will be death in the movie, although it’s not Thor’s. Instead, we’ll see Gorr and Jane die.
The villain needs Thor’s weapon so he can travel to the Gates of Eternity where he can ask whatever he wants. And hat’s where Thor and Jane will make their last stand against Gorr. Thor will admit defeat, but he will convince Gorr to choose love over vengeance. And Gorr will ask for his daughter, Love, to be resurrected.
Jane promises Gorr that Love will not be alone, and the Love and Thunder ending gives us Thor taking care of Love. The kid has a piece of Eternity and that means she has her own powers.
Gorr dies, as he’s doomed to die after using the Necrosword. Jane dies as well, after trying to destroy Gorr’s weapon. She dies in Thor’s arms, in a fashion similar to Odin (Anthony Hopkins) in Ragnarok.
That’s not the unconditional Love and Thunder ending, of course. Thor 4 has two post-credits scenes. Those leaked in full a few days ago, and Fiction Horizon also confirms them.
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