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More proof the ‘Infinity War’ deaths will be undone in ‘Avengers 4’

Published Sep 4th, 2018 12:27PM EDT
Infinity War Deaths
Image: Marvel Studios

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The closer we get to Avengers 4, the clearer it is that almost all the characters who died in Infinity War will return to life in the next Avengers installment — well, at least the ones who turned to dust after Thanos’s snap. We already have proof for many of our favorite heroes, but not all of them. However, thanks to a new revelation, we can move one more Avengers from the “dead” column over to the one labeled “living.”

Late August brought us several important pieces of information about Avengers 4. First of all, we were reminded that the Russo brothers want to shock the audience with their Marvel films, which means we’re probably in for more controversies in Avengers 4. So, even if many of our favorite heroes do end up returning to life, it doesn’t mean we’re in for the perfect happy ending.

Then, Dave Bautista joined the growing list of Avengers actors who spoiled upcoming details. He confirmed that Drax is going to appear in Avengers 4 and Guardians of the Galaxy 3. The events in those movies happen after Infinity War when it comes to the chronology of the Marvel cinematic universe, so we already suspected Drax and the rest of the dead Guardians would be revived.

Finally, we have this tweet from Atlanta Filming that has since been deleted, and it practically tells us another beloved superhero will be back from the dead:

Based on the locations and the casting it looks like #Avengers4 will have a whole lot more #BlackPanther in it than #AvengersInfinityWar. So that’s less a reshoot and more an addition of goodness.

— Atlanta Filming (@AtlantaFilming) August 31, 2018

The Russo brothers did say in their most recent interview that the movie should be completed by March. Avengers 4 should hit theaters in late April in Europe, and early May in the US.

The tweet was caught by The Express before the author deleted it. However, reshoots are happening around Atlanta, the same Twitter account said this a day later:

Black Panther was a huge success for Disney and the studio wants Oscar recognition for it. A sequel is also likely in the works, so the king can’t just die like that. Chadwick Boseman, who plays T’Challa / Black Panther is already credited in Avengers 4, but there’s no word yet of a Black Panther 2 picture. That’s all we know about Boseman’s character for the time being, but it seems like more than enough to label him “alive” in Avengers 4.

Chris Smith Senior Writer

Chris Smith has been covering consumer electronics ever since the iPhone revolutionized the industry in 2008. When he’s not writing about the most recent tech news for BGR, he brings his entertainment expertise to Marvel’s Cinematic Universe and other blockbuster franchises.

Outside of work, you’ll catch him streaming almost every new movie and TV show release as soon as it's available.
