Looking out over your yard and seeing green as far as you can look is ideal for any homeowner. Having a lush lawn that you can be proud of takes some dedication, determination, and luck, as you have to hope for good weather conditions. But there are things you can do to enhance your chances of growing a green yard. Using lawn fertilizer will certainly put you in the right direction. Fertilizer will help your lawn grow and gives you a better chance at having a green landscape in no time. While there are plenty of problems that can occur on your lawn, such as fungus, weeds, and other pests, there are a variety of fertilizers to help you. Below, we’ve handpicked five of our favorite fertilizer options to get you that green lawn you desire. Let’s take a look at our picks for the best lawn fertilizers on the market.
Easily spray it on
Offering up a key blend of micronutrients for your grass, the Simple Lawn Solutions Advanced 16-4-8 Balanced NPK Complete Lawn Food comes in a 32-ounce bottle. This is the perfect blend of turf fertilizer that maintains lawn health and treats deficiencies. It contains high quality natural and organic feed grade ingredients without any harsh chemicals to stress your lawn. It is easy to apply, as the nitrogen, phosphate, and potash mixture provides nutrients for roots. This works for all kinds of grasses including Bermuda, St. Augustine, Zoysia, Buffalo, Centipede, Florida Palmetto, Bahia, Fescue, Ryegrass and Kentucky Bluegrass. It also contains seaweed and fish while enhancing the soil. This is made and manufactured in the United States and the lawn should not be walked on while this is on it. This bottle can cover 3,200 square feet.
Key Features:
- Contains high quality natural and organic feed grade ingredients
- Enhances the soil with seaweed and fish
- Bottle can cover 3,200 square feet

Make sure it’s healthy
Made up from pure earthworm castings, it’ll be hard for you to find a more natural and organic lawn fertilizer than the Unco Industries Worm Castings Organic Fertilizer. Wiggle Worm Soil Builder is meant for indoors and outdoors and is completely odor-free. You can use this for houseplants in your pots or in your garden outside. You can also spread it on your lawn for a more authentic and organic grow. It is non-toxic and it comes in a 15-pound bag. Just a handful will work on plants and you can use more for your lawn. The bag will last a long time.
Key Features:
- Just need a handful for plants
- Non-toxic and comes in a 15-pound bag
- Meant for indoors and outdoors

Knock out those weeds
Offering twice the amount of coverage against weeds and dandelions, Scott’s Turf Builder Weed and Feed has you and your lawn covered. Your clover problem will be under control once you start using this. It clears out weeds from growing in the future. This feeds the lawn to thicken it while crowding out weeds, so there’s no place for them to grow. The Weedgrip technology grips the weeds you see and even the ones you don’t. Scott’s is the most powerful weed and feed type of lawn fertilizer, producing the results that you desire. This bag covers 5,000 square feet.
Key Features:
- Powerful
- Covers 5,000 square feet
- Clears out weeds from growing in the future

Cover your entire space
Providing more coverage per bag, The Andersons PGF Complete 16-4-8 Fertilizer with Humic DG can feed up to eight weeks. This formula is a slow-release one that will last a long time on your lawn. The super fine particles can provide twice the amount of particles per square foot. You can cover 5,000 square feet with this bag. You’ll get a more even distribution during spread and the Humic DG helps enrich your soil and allows plants to process nutrients better. This isn’t sold in either California or South Dakota.
Key Features:
- Slow-release formula
- Super fine particles
- More even distribution

Have your lawn start well
For those who are putting in a new lawn, try out the Miracle-Gro LiquaFeed Advanced Starter Kit. This contains the garden feeder, a 16 fl. oz. bottle of LiquaFeed All Purpose Plant Food, and a dosing spoon. You’ll also get a four pack of refills of LiquaFeed to help get your grass the way you want it. The dosing spoon is easy to use and lets you feed with a watering can. It’s great for vegetables, flowers, trees, shrubs, houseplants, and more. You can use this every one to two weeks.
Key Features:
- Dosing spoon easy to use
- Four pack of refills
- Garden feeder