Trying to find outdoor activities can be a challenge, especially if you aren’t near any mountains or rivers. Hiking can be a top choice, but if you’re not near any good trails, it’s harder. You may not be someone who enjoys running or jogging and sunbathing is more of your speed. A nice game of corn hole or Frisbee toss is something you enjoy doing, perhaps on the beach. But for a unique game that combines a few different skill sets, disc golf is a solid option as well. If you’ve never played disc golf, it allows you to try and get flying discs into a basket, a la a golf ball into a hole. It’s an extremely fun game, but you need to know which kind of equipment to pick up before you play. We’ve highlighted the best disc golf sets we could find, including discs and the baskets, to show you what you could be doing. Check out our picks.
Perfect for newbies
For those who have never played the game before, you can learn easily with the Dynamic Discs Prime Burst Disc Golf Starter Set. This comes with everything you need to get started. You’ll find five of the most popular discs, so you’ll be able to have different shots in your bag as you’re going through the course. The disc molds in this set were handpicked by World Champion disc golf players. This set includes the 2013 disc of the year, the Judge disc golf putter. You’ll get a few fairway drivers, a maximum distance driver, and a midrange disc to complete the set. They are all different colors, so you are easily able to tell the difference. The weight ranges between 170 – 176g. You can also choose sets of three or four discs.
Key Features:
- Set comes with five discs
- The 2013 disc of the year is included
- All are different colors

For a shorter course
Some people may be playing on shorter courses and may not need five discs. That’s when you can opt for the Discraft Starter Pack Beginning Disc Golf Set. This includes one driver, one mid-range disc, and a putter disc. It’s ideal for all skill levels. It is approved by the PDGA and comes in multiple colors that allows you to tell the discs apart more easily. The models and plastic blends may vary between sets. This makes for a great set for the disc golf addict in your family.
Key Features:
- Includes a driver, a mid-range disc, and a putter disc
- Ideal for all skill levels
- Plastic blends may vary

Ease into the game
If you’re not looking to spend a lot to get into disc golf, check out the Innova Disc Golf Set. You can get three discs for an amount that won’t dent your wallet. This offers you great bang-for-your-buck as you’ll be ready to play in no time. This includes one driver, one mid-range, and one putter. It is made of DX plastic in weights that are ideal for beginners. This is approved by the PDGA and the plastics and weights may differ slightly. Each one is 2″ high and 8.5″ wide.
Key Features:
- Cost-efficient
- Driver, mid-range, putter discs
- Approved by the PDGA

Improve your driving
Struggling on the first throw of the game can really cause your score to rise. That’s why you need the Axiom Discs Proton Insanity Disc Golf Driver. You can get one that’s between 160 – 165g or one that’s 170 – 175g, depending on your throwing style. This is a stable-understable distance driver and it is made from high performance plastic that makes it last for a long time. The transparent optic effect offers improved visibility in low-light conditions. You can even use this during a night round, as it is very bright and easy to spot. The science that is put into this allows it to glide with the top discs in the game.
Key Features:
- Comes in either a 160 – 165g or 170 – 175g option
- Transparent optic effect
- Stable-understable distance driver

Set up a hole yourself
Hosting a tournament or just wanting to practice? You’ll need a basket like the MVP Black Hole Pro 24-Chain Portable Disc Golf Basket Target. This offers 24 highly visible, zinc-coated, heavy-duty course weighted chains, positioned with 12 inside and 12 outside. They are equally distanced around, denying much cut through or pole bounces. It is made from all metal construction, so it’s sturdy. You can assemble it or disassemble it in a minute, so it’s easy to move if you need to. This is also approved by the PDGA.
Key Features:
- Heavy-duty course weighted chains
- 12 inside and 12 outside
- All metal construction