You’d expect Samsung to mock Apple in new TV commercials, but for once it’s not that particular South Korean giant that’s taking hit after hit at the iPhone in its ads. That’s because Samsung has not yet cloned the iPhone X, which is surprising and laudable at the same time, considering that almost every other Android company is doing it this year.
Ironically, the following ad features a well-known and quite a hilarious actress who happens to be an avid iPhone user judging by her Twitter activity. But in this particular commercial, she was paid to mock the iPhone and urge fans to switch to an iPhone X clone.
What’s incredibly ironic about this ad is that LG is trying to convince you to upgrade from your iPhone to an iPhone clone.
The LG G7 ThinQ is one of the blatant iPhone ripoffs we’re used to seeing from nearly every Android device maker around the world. For what it’s worth, LG, like some of the other vendors that decided Apple’s iPhone X design is the way to go this year, said it didn’t copy the iPhone X. Sure.
LG’s ad isn’t as shameless as Samsung’s latest hit at Apple, but LG can’t mock the notch like Samsung does because the new G7 has one of its own. But LG uses every iPhone stereotype in the book in this spot, including speed throttling, battery life, and the lack of a 3.5mm headphone jack.

Aubrey Plaza, meanwhile, is the star LG chose to promote the G7 ThinQ. But guess what: in her everyday life, Plaza uses an iPhone to tweet. Yes, we’ve seen this happen before — celebrities use an iPhone in spite of endorsing Apple rivals in ad campaigns — and it’s perfectly fine. This is just business for Plaza. Still, it adds another layer of sweet irony.

We can’t wait to see LG’s next G7 ThinQ ad.