J.J. Abrams’ Star Wars: The Force Awakens is the most successful movie of the year, at least when it comes to the hype that preceded its launch and the massive box office earnings that followed it. It’s likely that Star Wars fans would have seen the movies in cinemas regardless of how they were marketed but Disney’s clever ad campaign certainly helped.
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One fan decided to follow Disney’s direction when it comes to trailers, and reimagined what modern trailers for two of the original Star Wars episodes would look like.
The trailers are similar to what we’ve seen in The Force Awakens trailers. They show plenty of action and the various characters involved in the movies, without spoiling the plot. Even the background music is similar to Force Awakens trailers.
The results are spectacular, and if you haven’t seen the original trilogy yet, the trailers below should definitely get you in the right mood without spoiling the plot like other trailers do.
Now, of course, you might be wondering what the original Star Wars V and Star Wars VI trailers looked like – check them out below.