One week ago today, Apple released what may very well have been the most hotly anticipated iPhone of all time. After three consecutive years with the same iPhone design — four, if you count the iPhone 8 and iPhone 8 Plus — Apple fans desperately wanted a redesigned iPhone. What they got in the iPhone X isn’t just a bold new design, it’s a completely reimagining of Apple’s most iconic product.
Gone is the home button that has been central to navigating an iPhone since the first model was released back in 2017. With the iPhone X, Apple opted for a nearly all-screen design with some brilliant engineering that allows the display to reach all the way to the bottom of the phone. It’s an elegant solution, but something at the other end of the iPhone X’s screen isn’t quite as beloved by many users. That’s right, we’re talking about the “notch.”
There was a ton of fuss over the notch at the top of the iPhone X’s display before the phone was released, but many people have since come around. In person, the “ears” on either side of the iPhone X’s TrueDepth system and ear speaker are viewed by many as a terrific design feature. As it turns out, however, the iPhone X isn’t the first thing Apple has made with a notch. What is? A Redditor made a startling discovery recently, showing that Apple has been hiding another notch all along.
Head over to the post on Reddit to learn more. Happy Friday. 👋