A report indicated earlier this week that Samsung’s upcoming Galaxy S8 will come in two sizes, both featuring full-screen designs with curved displays measuring 5.7-inch and 6.2 -inch. Samsung can increase the size of the display without increasing the size of the phone by removing the top and bottom bezels, which is also a design change that’s reportedly in the works for the upcoming Galaxy S phone. But why is Samsung making a 6.2-inch version of the Galaxy S8?
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A new report claims that Samsung is looking to offer the Galaxy S8 in two distinct sizes to win back some of the customers that wanted to buy a Galaxy Note 7 phablet. The Investor notes the same new display sizes for the upcoming Galaxy S8 smartphone, including 5.7-inch and 6.2-inch.
“In order to attract potential Note consumers who prefer a large screen, Samsung has decided to adopt bigger screens for both new models of the S8,” an unnamed analyst said.
Comparatively, the Galaxy S7 and Galaxy S7 edge have 5.1-inch and 5.5-inch displays.
The report also goes on to say that Samsung will not make a flat Galaxy S8 version and that the bigger version might get a new naming scheme that might include the word “Plus.”
Apple, meanwhile, is also rumored to launch an all-screen iPhone next year. The iPhone 8 is also expected to ditch the home button, and feature an OLED display, possibly with curved edges.