Is Marvel giving us hints at its ‘Avengers 4’ title or just trolling us?
Avengers 4 is the most anticipated movie in the Marvel Cinematic Universe, and it’ll probably help Disney set new records next year when it launches. …
Avengers 4 is the most anticipated movie in the Marvel Cinematic Universe, and it’ll probably help Disney set new records next year when it launches. …
Scheduled to premiere in early May next year (that is, if Marvel doesn’t push forward the date like it did this year), Avengers 4 is possibly …
Due next spring, Avengers 4 promises to be the biggest movies in Marvel’s history to date, considering how Infinity War ended, and we already have …
Ant-Man and the Wasp hit theaters two weekends ago, during which time it made almost $300 million at the box office. It might not be …
Ever since I saw Avengers: Infinity War back in April, I told you that all the superheroes who died at the end — hey, this …
Superheroes are great and all, but they can’t be everywhere at the same time. That’s why, while we saw many of the mighty defenders of …
A few days ago, we learned the official reason why certain Marvel heroes were chosen to die after Thanos snapped his fingers in Avengers: Infinity …
Two months have passed since Thanos killed so many Avengers in Infinity War, which means this doesn’t count as a spoiler anymore. You either saw …
Both creatively and financially, Avengers: Infinity War is one of Marvel’s most impressive success stories to date. The fact that the studio was able to …
If you haven’t seen Avengers: Infinity War by now, you should really rectify that. Not only are you missing out on one of the best …
Some of our favorite Avengers do die in Infinity War, and that should absolutely not be a spoiler. It’s a “war” movie, and we can’t …
More and more Avengers: Infinity War secrets are being explained by its creators every day, but don’t expect any real answers concerning the upcoming Avengers …
Yes, people do die in Infinity War. Don’t act surprised. It’s war, after all, and superheroes, no matter how super or how heroic they might be, aren’t …
Whether you’ve seen the latest Avengers movie or not, you’re probably aware of the fact that it has an emotional ending, an excellent setup for …
Because the movie wasn’t ambitious enough, Avengers: Infinity War is crossing over with another massively popular property this week. On Monday, Entertainment Weekly announced that …
Avengers: Infinity War is now the fastest movie to make $1 billion, Disney already confirmed over the weekend, after a stellar second weekend performance. The …
Avengers: Infinity War is going to be one of the biggest movies of the year. In fact, I don’t think that any of the remaining …
Avengers: Infinity War is a monster success for Disney, and it’s already closing in on $1 billion in revenue worldwide. The movie brings us the …
Brace yourselves, Avengers fans who still haven’t seen Infinity War, as I’m about to spoil some of it for you. There is a way to …
Attention, all Avengers fans, I’m about to spoil Infinity War for you in what follows. If you haven’t seen the movie, then you’d be better …
Now that everyone in America has seen Avengers: Infinity War (if the opening weekend numbers are anything to go by), we all have to sit …
As anticipated Avengers: Infinity War, is a monster success for Disney, with the movie having just broken the record for opening weekend gross. The new …
Avengers: Infinity War just set a new box-office record, opening at $250 million. That probably surprises nobody, especially fans of the Marvel Cinematic Universe. It’s …
Attention Avengers fans, huge spoilers are about to follow. You’ve been warned, and I’m going to warn you again in just a few short paragraphs. …
Ten years in the making, Avengers: Infinity War finally debuted on Thursday night as countless movie fans headed to their local cinemas to see the …
Avengers: Infinity War is like a perfectly executed magic trick. No matter how many angles you examine it from, and no matter how many times …
OnePlus earlier this week announced the OnePlus 6 will be unveiled on May 16th. But that doesn’t mean we have to wait three weeks to …
In just a few days, the first of the final two Avengers movies will hit theaters, and I couldn’t be more excited to see it. …
It was just a few weeks ago that a leak said OnePlus would partner with Marvel for a special edition Avengers-themed OnePlus 6 phone. Given …
A report the other day said that OnePlus will unveil its new iPhone clone by the end of the month. Since then, a couple of …