Apple: iOS, OS X and ‘key web services’ aren’t heartbleeding
Following the revelation that hundreds of thousands of websites are susceptible to attacks based on the “Heartbleed” flaw in OpenSSL, Apple told Re/code that its …
Following the revelation that hundreds of thousands of websites are susceptible to attacks based on the “Heartbleed” flaw in OpenSSL, Apple told Re/code that its …
Google is going an extra step to help make sure all of your Android apps are behaving exactly as they’re supposed to. The company announced …
Heartbleed is one of the most widespread vulnerabilities we have seen in recent years — it impacted an estimated 66% of the entire Internet at …
In what might be the most ingenious ad campaign for anti-virus software we’ve ever seen, Kaspersky Lab has put has put together a terrifying, interactive infographic …
Every other month it seems like researchers at some tech company or university come up with clever new ways to prevent or deter smartphone thieves. …
Heartbleed is a scary, scary bug. Without getting into the technical aspects of this recently discovered security hole, it’s an issue with OpenSSL, the security …
If you’re still using Windows XP and you’re not doling out extra cash to Microsoft to maintain support, then congratulations: You’re now vulnerable to all …
As we’ve noted before, there are definite downsides to Google’s policy of allowing all apps onto the Google Play store and only removing them after users flag …
Android is still the most targeted mobile platform out there in terms of mobile malware, considering the reports that keep detailing ways that hackers can take …
Unless you’re already paying Microsoft extra to keep your Windows XP machines safe from malware then you really should upgrade to either Windows 7 or …
As the world becomes increasingly hostile toward any violation or even perceived violation of privacy, Microsoft has backtracked on one of its more controversial decisions. …
As we’ve mentioned in the past, passwords are an enormous pain, especially since keeping them secure these days often means switching them up every couple …
In every transparency report from Google since 2009, the number of requests from the government has increased at a steady pace, but 2013 represents the largest …
President Barack Obama on Thursday unveiled major changes to the “spying” program that previously saw the National Security Agency collect and store millions of phone …
In addition to Android apps sideloaded from unsecure third parties, which can contain malicious code that can turn devices into slow cryptocurrency miners, antivirus provider …
MIT researchers are working together with the Meteor Development Group on a Mylar project that would allow companies to offer customers fully encrypted Internet services, …
Microsoft is dropping support for Windows XP on April 8th, and with 95% of all ATMs still running XP, this could become a major problem …
If you thought Facebook’s invasion of privacy had hit its peak, think again. Facebook announced earlier this week that its DeepFace facial recognition technology is …
The NSA on Wednesday said “unequivocally” that U.S. tech giants were “fully aware” of the agency’s data collecting operations, The Guardian reports, even though tech …
Google is starting to get serious about making sure your Gmail messages are secure. The company announced on Thursday that it is making all Gmail …
Some ingenious hackers decided to put an Apple ID phishing site where users would expect to find it least: on a trusted website such as …
The National Security Agency is able to collect a nation’s “every single” phone call and store the voice recordings for a month, according to a new …
We’re starting to get the feeling that WhatsApp really is getting some serious blowback from its user base after getting acquired by Facebook because its …
Azimuth Security researcher Tarjei Mandt revealed at the CanSecWest conference last week that hackers can easily exploit a purported iOS 7 security flaw that’s derived …
Well this should be fun. Reuters reports that ATM maker NCR claims that two-thirds of all the ATMs running Windows XP in the world — or …
News broke earlier this week alleging that the National Security Agency “has infected millions of computers around the world with malware.” The report cited newly available …
A new security issue that may affect the privacy of Android device owners who purchased certain Samsung Galaxy models has been found, and apparently patched, …
The massive breach that occurred around Thanksgiving last year could have been prevented by Target’s existing security personnel and advanced security software, an extensive investigative …
Even if you make use of Snowden’s tips for remaining anonymous online, there might not be much you can do to escape the NSA’s latest …
For the past several months, infamous NSA leaker Edward Snowden has confounded the United States government’s attempts to track him online and stop him from …